Chapter 21: Invitation

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The sun settled high on this early Sunday afternoon, as me and my mother are out grocery shopping. Since she's off work today, she felt it would be a good suggestion to do so and wanted to spend more time with me. Yesterday when I eventually made it back home, she greeted me with open arms—I suffocated from her hug. Explaining how much she missed me, and how it felt weird for me not being home when she got off work. We sat in the living room most of the night, she listened to everything that went on at the beach. Speaking of which, I finally confessed to her that I have a friend closer than the others, and that definitely got her to sit on the edge of her seat. She's aware of who Stacy is, and everybody else on the block—she's just rarely seen.

But long story short, we eventually became drowsy. Not paying attention to the time that passed us by and I was already exhausted from the premeditatd heat. So we kind of overslept this morning. She didn't have to work today, we're still out of school, and Sunday is the day to let everything go. Besides that, we've been laughing and joking the whole time we've been in Wal-Mart.

"Come on now ma. You already know I don't eat that kind of cereal." I attempt to explain, as she was in motion of grabbing a box.

She gives me the stink face. "Since when you didn't like Apple Jacks?"

"Since they stopped adding a lot of sugar like they used to."

Mom tilts her head with a smirk. "When did they stop adding sugar?"

"The day I took a box of Frosted Flakes and poured me a bowl. I took a bite, and they did not taste like the same cereal I had when I was smaller. 0 sugar almost"

"Okay, I'll bite. Explain how you could tell the difference." She put the cereal back.

"Okay let's start off with the milk." I started to push the buggy. "When I was a little tot whenever you got done with your cereal you would never drink it afterward. All because you quote on quote, said it was too sweet."

She rolled her eyes. "And it was."

"My point, Exactly. Even you remember how sweet the cereal was in general. You would go the mile of putting all your milk in a cup, and give it to me with a straw. If I wasn't drinking strawberry milk, I was drinking your cereal milk."

"I sure did, didn't I?" She smiles. "So who be eating up all the fruit loops then." Folding her arms and raised her eyebrows in suspicion.


"I do not."

"We're the only two people in that house, and you already know if it ain't sweet, I don't get down with it. However, I will give Honey Nut Cheerios a pass since they saved me from a stomach ache." I continued down the aisle. "Besides, I'm cutting down on the cereal again anyway. Football workouts are coming up."

"So you ain't getting Cinnamon Toast Crunch?" She flashed the box in her hand.

"Not right now"

She put it back in its place. "Do you know when y'all start.?"

"June 11. Next week to be exact."

I've been nervous ever since Markus and the others informed me about workouts. Nervous to meet the coaches, the team, and approaching the school overall. I've only seen the highschool from afar, when we passed it by the day we went to the movies, and even then I was anxious. But, now I'm so close.

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