Chapter 9

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Selina's POV
A months and a bit later...
I wake up in the bed with Bruce next to me. I turn and smile at him sleeping soundly. I sit and play with is hair. It's soft.
Since me and Bruce are together I have been spending many night at his. Some sleepless and full of pleasure others just pure love of being in each other presence and many hours of sleep. I love him but I'm waiting for him to say it. In the month and a bit of us dating we have been on countless dates and have climbed the bridge many time and really have made it known as the makeout bridge. I'm happy and I have never felt better.

I move my hand from his hair to his cheek. I see him open his eyes and look at me. He smiles at me and kisses me.
"Morning" he says putting his hand on the bottom of my back pulling me closer.
"Morning" I say.
"So What are we doing today" he asks.
"I don't know we could..." i was stopped halfway through when I was washed over with nausea. I shot out of the bed and ran to the bathroom. I kneel in front of the toilet and throw up. I feel Bruce put his hand in my back and rub it. After a few minutes I stop I lean back and sigh.
"Are you ok" Bruce asks.
"Does it look like I'm ok" I tell him.
"It might be a bug. I'll ask Alfred to go down town and get something for you" he says.
"Sure" I say.
"Do you want to take a shower" he says. I nod my head.
"Ok. You do that and I'll go talk to alfred" he says giving me a kiss on the forehead and leave the bathroom.
I sigh and flush the toilet and go and turn on the shower. I take my clothes off and get in the shower. I let the water in down my body and make me feel better.
I get out and brush my teeth and hair and then put on some baggy clothes as I did not feel well enough to put anything else on.
I walk out of the bathroom and get into the bed and lie down in the covers. I sigh and put my head down on the pillow.
Bruce walks back into the bedroom. He grabs the bin/ bucket next to the bed.
"Do you feel better" he asks.
"A little" I say cuddling into his side.
"Well Alfred is going to bring you up some tea. But I have to go and talk to Gordon about some case he wants me to help out on so are you fine being here with Alfred" he says. I nod.
"Ok you go to sleep ok" he says kissing me and walks out of the room. I curl up in the cover more and make myself warm. I see Alfred walking Into the bedroom.
"Ok Miss Kyle here is your tea and I have a heating pad if you need one" he says placing the tea on the side of the table and handing me the heating pad.
"Thank you alfred" I say. He puts his hand in my head.
"You don't seem feverish. Must have a stomach bug. Master Bruce is going to pick some medicine for you so just sleep ok miss Kyle if you need anything just call" he says.
"Thank you" I say. He leaves the room. I sip on the tea and it makes me feel better. I put the cup down and curl up in the cover and fall asleep.

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