Chapter 24

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Me and Selina get out of the car. She hold her heels in her hands while the runner where not found as we may have chucked them off the building. Me and her hold hands smiling at each other. Our hair is a mess and our clothes are crinkled. Me and her walk into the house. She smiles at me and kisses me. I smirk into the kiss. She bends back a little. Me and her laugh a little.
"You two are happy" we hear a voice say. We break apart and see Barbra walking down the stairs.
Me and Bruce smirk.
"So I assume you said yes" she says. Selina smiles and shows her the ring.
"It's even more beautiful the second time. Congratulations kitkat" Barbra says hugging her.
"Wait you've seen it" Selina says.
"Well I did help pick it out" she says.
"You did" Selina says.
"He did come and ask for our approval" she says. Selina smiles at me. Alfred walks into the room.
"You two said you would be home last night and now look at the state of you" Alfred says. Me and Selina look at him scared before he smirks.
"I only kidding and congratulations" he says hugging us. Me and Selina breathe out in relief. We turn and see Tabitha walking down the stairs holding Damien. She smiles at us as she passes Damien to selina.
"Hey baby mommy missed you yes she did" Selina coos. Damien giggles. I smile at them and put my head on her shoulder as stroke Damien's cheek.
"I see you said yes" Tabitha says. Selina smiles at her.
"Well I think it is time for some breakfast you two" Alfred says walking into the kitchen.
"Do you like you ring" I ask. She smiles at me.
"I love it" she says smiling at me. I give her a quick peck on the lips.
"I need food I'm hungry after last night. And I need sleep" she says walking into the kitchen with Damien. I chuckle to myself and walk with them.

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