Chapter 31

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Bruce's POV
It had been 6 months since Selina has left and after that party a few days after she left with silver Bruce had gone into his drinking habits again. He was going out partying every night coming back the next day with a massive hang over. Bruce hadn't forgot about Selina and Damien. But every time he did it brought pain to him. Making him drink to forget the pain.
Last night bruce went out to a club and drank many shots and now has come back to the manor after a long night.
Bruce walks into the manor and closes the door and groans. He holds his head as it is pounding.
"I see you came home" he hears a voice say. He turns and sees Alfred walking with a suitcase in his hand.
"Alfred stop shouting and why are you holding a suitcase" he asks.
"I'm not Bruce you just have a very big hangover and to answer of why I have this suitcase it is because I'm done" he says.
"What do you mean you are done" Bruce asks.
"I mean I quit. I don't want to work for you anymore. I am done with the drinking and the hangovers having to deal with it. I made a call to a friend and I am going to stay with them" Alfred says picking up his suitcase and walking to the door.
"You can't just leave me alfred" Bruce says.
"Master Bruce you are the reason why selina took your son away and has not called you since. You and your drinking is the reason why I'm leaving. You are like a son to me Master Bruce But I cant deal with this anymore" he says opening the door and walking out to the car.
"So your just going to leave like she did" Bruce says. Alfred turns.
"She is the girl you used to love. You still do but you made a bad choice and she left and instead of picking yourself up and fixing things you turned to alcohol as a pain relief. Until you sort out your ways I'm done. Goodbye Master Bruce" he says before getting in the car and driving away.

Please don't leave me (Batcat) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt