Chapter 41

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Selina's POV
Selina lies on the bed waiting to hear the cries of her babies. After a few minutes she hears a high pitched cries. She cries out in relief.
"It's a boy" Lee says. Selina cries and Tabitha strokes her head. Selina sees her son being passed off to a nurse who runs off Into another room.
"Is he going to be ok" Selina asks Alfred.
"He'll be fine" he says.
Then a few seconds later we here another cry.
"It's a boy" she says. I smile at Tabitha and Alfred. I see him being whisked off to the other room.
Barbara's POV
Barbra walks down the hall to tell Jim that the twins where born.
I walk down and see Jim with his head in his hands. I run up to him.
"What happened" I asks.
"Bruce he flat lined" he says. I look at him in shock.
"Is he alright" I ask.
"I don't know I'm waiting for the doctors to get back" he says. Barbra sighs and puts her back to the wall.
"He can't give up" she says.
"He has 3 kids to look after" she says.
"Yeah well maybe he thinks he will never be forgiven" he says.
"Why would he think that" she says. She sighs.
"Selina had the twins" she says. He goes wide eyes.
"She is only 28 weeks that is to early" he says.
"The babies where in destress. Lee said that the babies would have a higher chance of survival if she performed a C section than if they stayed in" she says.
"Selina has been under so much stress about Bruce that her body wasn't fit to hold them for much longer" she says.
"Well are they alright" he asks.
"They where small but perfect. 2 boys" she says. He smiles.
"The Wayne twins" he says.

Selina's POV
Selina gets wheeled into her room. She sees Alfred holding Damien.
"Hi baby" she says. Alfred hands her Damien. Damien puts his hand on her stomach.
"I know their not in there anymore" she says. He gives her a confused look.
"It's ok baby they are fine" she says. Lee walks in.
"Selina I checked on the babies and they seem perfect. For 28 weeks their lungs and very developed though I would like to keep them in the incubators for at least 2 months to make sure their lungs are fully developed" she says.
"So they are ok" she says. Lee smiles at her.
"They are fine" she says. Selina breathes out in relief. Tabitha laughs.
"I told you they would be fine" she says.
"So Selina What are you naming the little Minxs" alfred asks.
"Bruce loved Richard and Timothy" she smiles.
"Richard and Timothy Wayne it is perfect" Lee smiles.

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