Chapter 40

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Lee's POV
Lee walks down to Bruce room to find Alfred. She walks in and sees Alfred sitting next to Bruce.
"Alfred" she says. He looks at her.
"It's Selina the babies are in destress if the babies don't come out of distress then I'm going to have to do a c section" she says. Alfred mouths opens in shock.
"Is she ok" he asks standing up and walking over.
"If it doesn't improve in the next few hours then I'm going to have to" she says.
"She is going to need someone to be there for her. She is going to need support" lee says.
"I'm going to see her can you find him to stay here with Bruce" Alfred says.
"Yeah sure" Lee says. Alfred nods his head and leaves.

Selina's POV
Selina breathes in and out as another pain goes through her body. Tabitha looks on the chart. The pain stops and Selina sighs.
"That was a minutes long. It was 13 minutes since your last one" she says.
Selina groans. The door opens and she sees Alfred.
"You alright" he asks.
"Been in better situations" she says. He laughs.
"How long are they apart" he asks.
"13 minutes" Tabitha says.
Selina sighs.
"Their getting closer together" she says. Alfred puts his hand on her.
"With you and Bruce as their parents they will fight" he says. Selina smiles.

Lee comes in. She puts the wand on Selina's stomach. She sighs.
"Their still in destress. I'm sorry but I'm going to have to prepare you for surgery" she says. Selina goes wide eyed. Tabitha puts a hand on her shoulder.
"It's going to be ok" she says.
Selina nods and breathes out.
"Ok" she says turning to lee who is giving her a sympathetic look.
"Ok I will go book an OR" she says walking out the door. A tear fall down Selina'a cheek.
"Kitkat everything is going to be fine. These babies are going to fight no matter what" she says. Selina cries.
"I just wish he was here" she cries.
"He will meet them some day. But we are going to be here for you" Alfred says. She nods and puts her head in her hands. Alfred puts his hand on her back.

Selina is being wheeled down the hall. Alfred and Tabitha by her side. They walk into the operating room. They break Selina's water and then numb her. They lie her on the operating table.
"Ok is everyone ready" Lee says.
"Yes" everyone says. Selina holds onto Alfred and Tabitha hand.
"Ok here we go" she says and cuts Selina's stomach.

Jim's POV
Jim sits next to Bruce when his heart monitor goes flat. He presses the emergency button.
"I need a doctor in here" he shouts down the hall.
Nurse and doctors run into the room. They press the code blue button.

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