costume party part 2

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Ok so I left Jack alone I wanted to meet new people I was walking when I felt something tug on my costume I look down to see two kids that probably looked like they were seven or eight there costume were adorable one of them were dressed up as a werewolf  and the other one was a vampire I smiled and replied hello little ones what's your name " the girl replies I'm Jane and I'm Justin the one in the werewolf I smiled as I replied you two the birthday children they smile and shake there head yes I smile and reply you guys want to go have fun they look at each other and smile and look my way I put my hands out so they can hold and they do we walk toward the garden.....

I was looking for sophia when I saw her talking to little kids I smile
Ok I just saw my princess with the twins I mean she is now part of our family so I was happy she whispered something and they smiled she lets her hands out and they take them.she is leading them somewhere I think to myself.I think it's time to start a family but not yet....

I was in the garden with Jane and Justin they were hanging upside down on a tree they had they were giggling and laughing there faces were adorable Jane replied " ms sophia do you have a mate before I could answer a familiar voice replied "she does" I hear Jane and Justin replied " uncle jack" I smile and then turn around to see my mate I smile he smiles I turn around  and Jane replies " so Ms what's his name" I smiled and was about to reply when Jack wrapped his arms around my waist I smiled and turned my head I smiled and looked into jacks blue eyes he smiles and kisses me it goes on for a while I smile and then around to face Jane and Justin they were amazed I smiled Jane replied " my uncle is your mate" I giggle and replied " yup my Jackie and your uncle is my mate" they smiled and get off the tree and run toward us I was scared becuz they were going fast and somehow they were knocked down there in front of me was a force field that was white but when you touched it turned purple it went away and I ran toward the children I replied are you ok I'm so sorry they smiled and looked at each other and Jane replies " cool  do it again " I was impress they weren't hurt

I heard a chuckle come from.Jack he replied "sweetheart there vampires too they don't feel pain" I was shocked I went to Jane and pulled her cheek and replied " there adorable they shouldn't feel any pain I mean look at these cute faces Justin jumps in and smiles I stop pulling Jane's cheek and she smiles" Jack smiles and replies " one more thing you didn't know was that there twins too " I was shocked I learned a lot tonight I turned them around and exactly they looked alike I smiled and replied " come here you too" they came running to me and we had a group hug" I was about to say something when Jace came and replied "aww you met the twins" Jack and Jace were standing near each other I smiled and replied " I still can't get them right they giggle" have replies " umm princess sorry to interrupt but um there are people asking about you can you come follow me they have questions for you" I smile and  look toward Jack he smiles and replies go ahead sweetness I'll take care of them" I smile and walk toward Jace and we leave the garden

Well we just figured out what sophia power was she has a force field Jace came and told her some good news and they wandered off now I was stuck with my niece and nephew I smiled as they stared at me I reply " what" they smiled and ran off into the garden I groan as I go after them....

I was answering a lot of questions some of the guest ask me to show some moves of tango I smiled and replied maybe next time they asked me how life was with the Prince I smiled I knew they meant Jack I told them everything was fine I really love him they all smiled they then asked are you a vampire I smiled and replied you guys wanna see something cool they all smiled and replied show us I smiled and transformed into my regular form they were amazed then I replied " that's not the best part pay attention to my eyes they look there were green right so once everyone took a look I transformed into my vampire form they were astonished my eyes were now blue I opened my mouth and I had fangs they clapped I smiled and replied "thank you" I felt hands wrap around my waist I smled  and I looked toward the people they had smiles on there faces I smirked and replied " he's behind me huh" they smile again I hear a chuckle and then hear a voice in my ear the person replied " "your mine and only mine"  the deep sexy voice I notice I turn around and see Jack I smile and reply where are Justin and Jane he smiles and two kids run toward me

After a while we said happy birthday I had a piece of cake and took the icing and put a for on jacks nose he smiled and leans in for a kiss we get aww by most of the guest I smile and reply " i love you jack" Jack smiles and replies " I love you too babe" I met Jane and Justin parents and they are pretty nice when it was time to go I threw a big fit I replied " I don't want to leave these children I don't want to leave I was hugging them and we were in the halls it was only me Jack and Jace left I didn't want to leave Jack replies "baby come on we have to go" I reply no I want to stay with Jane and Justin I mean come on look at there puppy eyes Jack looks at them and they have big puppy eyes he smiles and replies " baby" he looks at me I reply "I'm not leaving without them" he smiles baby come on sweetness we have to go you look really sleepy I yawn a little and I look at hand and Justin I smile and reply let me tuck them in bed and we can go he smiles and replies fine

Jane and Justin show me there room it was beautiful there was two separate bunk beds on the right side of the wall was janes and on  the left side of the wall was Justin's I smiled as they got tucked in they started yawning and I replied night my little vampires I was leaving when Jane replies sophia I turn around and reply yes she smiles and replies can you sing us a song pls I was about to answer when Justin replies pls I smile and reply of course Justin gets out his bed and lays in Jane's bed I sit on her bed and lay down they lay on my body too I stroke Jane's hair and start singing after a while Jace and Justin are sleep and somehow I fell asleep too cuddled with them....

The song sophia sings to Jane and Justin

I'm downstairs talking to Justin and Jane parents we are talking about sophia Elizabeth replies " sophia is a beautiful women I never seen the children this happy" I smile and reply " yeah she is" jace replies were happy with her around she makes.everyone feel welcome and she's is a easy person to get along with I smile and reply " jacey you're very kind" Jace looks at me then Daniel replies "  Jack who's jacey that's Jace" I smile and look toward  Jace we smile and reply " sophia have us nicknames" Daniel and Elizabeth both started laughing we waited for them to calm down Jace replied my nickname is "Jacey" then it was my turn they looked at me I smiled and replied" I don't think I want to say mine" Daniel replies come on Jack she gave you a nickname for a purpose I smile and reply my nickname is Jackie poo or Jackie bear really doesn't matter Daniel and Elizabeth both reply " aww" they smile and reply what's her nickname for you guys have smiles and replies I call her cupcake they look at me again and I groan and reply "boo boo bear" it's been 40 mins and Sophia hasn't been downstairs yet I reply " jace come with me to see where sophia is" he replied "ok" Elizabeth and Daniel follow we are at the children's room when we see what's going on i'm thankful I have sophia there on the bed was her and Jane and Justin sleeping i smile as I walk toward them Daniel picks up Justin and put him in his bed I pick up sophia bride style she wakes up a little and I smile and reply "it's okay boo boo bear were going home right now" she gets comfortable and falls back to sleep I smile as I pass her to jace we say out goodbyes and I help Jace put her in the back seat of my car I start my car and we leave

After 15 min we are back at the palace I carry sophia to the bed and change her into her pajamas then I get in bed with her and cuddle her after a while i was sleeping when  there was a knock on the door it opened and it was Jace voice and he replied "good night Jack" I smile and reply "good night jace" he closed the door and I call back to sleep once again

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