Telling his parents part 2

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I was being chased by Jack and jace parents everywhere I go they would find me I was near this kitchen when I found a closer that they might not look into I opened the door and went in just in time because mrs Eric and Mr Eric came into the kitchen I heard me Eric replied "now where did that pretty princess go" I giggled to myself I then heard him say "we will find you Sophia were coming  back with backup" when he said backup I knew this wasn't good for me 

Mr Eric and Mrs Eric poc

Okay so we basically lost Sophia and don't know where she is we checked the kitchen the bathroom the halls and even the garden we were back in the kitchen when Mr Eric replied we will find you Sophia were coming back for backup we already had backup and they were somewhere in this house...


I was sitting on the couch with jace watching television my parents were looking for Sophia she came running into the living room while we were watching tv she smiled then replied are you two going to help or not I smile then told her baby I love you  it in way too lazy to get up and sigh and smiles then replied I love you too she looks at jace he smiles and replied same here she smiles and reply you two Jack before I could answer my parents came out the other room and she dashed away anyway 30 mins later my parents come into the living room they block me and have from the tv I look up they have smiles on there faces oh this isn't going to end well

I smile and reply "what do you need" they smiled and replied "we need your two help" I look at  jace he smiles then replied "for what" my dad starts rubbing his hair I smile and reply "dad" he looks at me and replied "yes" I smile again and reply "is there a problem" he rubs his hair again and replied "of course not at all" I look toward my mom she's stroking her hair I knew something was up I smiled and replied "well if there's nothing wrong me Sophia and jace are about to leave" there eyes popped open wide they looked at each other and looked back at me and replied "no you can't go yet' I smile and reply "why" so  my father replied "because  Sophia is umm..." I reply "Sophia is umm what dad" he replied "Sophia is sleeping" I smile and reply  "then show me so we can bring her home and she can sleep comfortable" i saw my mom stroking her hair still I look at my dad then reply are you going to show me or not before he could speak my mom replied Eric just tell them he looks at my mom I reply tell us what he looks at me and smiled then replied umm long story he sigh and replied we'll you see when we chased your bride I smile and reply yes why he smiles and replied well we umm me and your mom umm I sigh and replied dad it can't be that bad just tell me he smiles and replied umm I reply umm he replied umm we lost Sophia I was confused have replied wait what do you mean you lost Sophia his dad looks at him and replied well we were chasing her and after a while we couldn't find her anymore it seems like she disappeared I smiled and replied she's still in the house we just need to find her we splitted up to look for her...

Okay so I'm still in the closet and it' s getting very uncomfortable I wanted Jack but I I we if I left my consequences will come so I stayed in the closet i heard my stomach growl good thing I was in a closer with food I grabbed a box of chocolate-chip cookies I ate them silently I wanted Jack when I heard people calling my name I knew I was in trouble now so I stayed extra quiet...


I'm looking in every room replying Sophia baby come out of hiding I checked my old room and didn't see any trace of her I went into have room didn't see her I basically went into every room I went downstairs to hear my parents and have calling her my parents replying Sophia where are you then have replying cupcake come out pls I replied you guys they turned to me I replied she's probably scared with all of us calling us she thinks once we find her were going to hurt her my parents Fran and replied your probably right maybe just one of us look for her they all look at me I smile and reply why not they go back into the living room while i find my beautiful bride I started off reply Sophia baby come out pls wherever you are and start just walking around to hear any noise 

I was scared now many people were calling my name it was scary and I didn't want to be caught so I held the cookies rightly and hoped Jack finds me and only Jack I miss him and jace plus their parents it's just scary right now I then heard footsteps in the hall it was between the kitchen I heard my  name be called I frozed and hoped they would go away....


I was near the kitchen and replied sopia pls come out nothing happened I sigh and reply Sophia baby if you hear me pls come out I miss you nothing happened I started walking toward the halls....

I was in the closet when I heard Jack's voice I really wanted to leave the closet but I didn't know if he was playing the game too he replied Sophia pls come out wherever you are I did t move an inch then I heard a sigh and Jack replied Sophia baby if you hear me pls come out I miss you i smile I still didn't move when I heard footsteps leaving I k we he wasn't playing with the others I reached for the doorknob and opened there just in time because Jack turns around I smile he runs towards me I smile again and reply Jack I'm ok** before I could finish Jack kisses me I smile and replied you really missed me huh he smiles and through kisses he replied don't do this ever again to me I smiled and replied promise after that everyone rushed to the kitchen and came hugging me this was the reason why I hid I started yawning and my eyes felt droopy have noticed and replied looks like we need to bring Sophia home I shake my head no and replied I'm perfectly fine my eyes still droopy I yawned again Jack came toward me he replied baby how many fingers am I holding up he puts his fingers close to me my eyes were halfclosed I replied 4 he smiles I reply see in perfectly fine I feel warm hands wrap around my legs I smiled and replied I'm not sleepy Jack chuckles and replied your sure about that he wiggled his nose on mine I smile and yawn then replied maybe he looks at me with a smile I yawn and reply maybe I am a little I snuggle into his chest he kisses my head then feel jace and their parents do it on my hand I smile and reply might night everyone before I could hear them answer I was fast aleep 

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