i'm home

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It was almost time for me yo go home finally I'll have the night with my mate my parents must have noticed my mind because they replied " ur excited to go hone and see her huh" I smile and reply " of course I am I love her and I just promised her when I get home I'll cuddle her and I always keep my promises" they chuckle and reply  "ur a really lucky guy to have her" I smile and reply " I know I am" it was now only 2:50 I sight and reply " why is time so slow" my parents start laughing and reply "don't worry son you'll get home promise"

I am really sleepy but I want to wait for jack because well he's comfortable but right now I'm really comfortable in jace arms but I don't want to fall asleep I close my eyes a little then I open them really quickly I didn't want to fall asleep yet I look at my phone its only 2: 54 Jace starts waking up then Selena and Dalyce I smile and reply well look who's up now they all smile and reply " hello cupcake " I smile

Yes it is 2:59 i grab my coat and my phone my mom stops me and replies "come visit us pls we get lonely here me and ur father" I smile and reply "I will promise probably with Sophia's too" she smiles and kisses my cheeck I smile and reply " love you mom" she smiles and replies "how much do you love me" I smile and reply  "mom you know I love Sophia more than ever so basically I love you a little" she opened her mouth like she was amazed then replied  "wow that hurt my feelings" I chuckle and reply "just kidding I love you more than anything" I hug her then reply "don't tell Sophia I told you that" she smiles and replies "promise" I leave and get in my car my parents come out I start my car they wave bye and I wave too then I'm off to see the person I love the most...

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