comming home

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I woke up in a room I didn't know I smiled as I saw Jack sleep still I kiss him and he doesn't wake up I wanted him to sleep I was about to lay back down when there was a knock on the door I smile  and walked toward the door I opened it as I saw mrs Eric she smiles and replies "hello sweety"  I smile and reply hello she replied just checking in you two she smiles and replies where Jack I smiled and opened the door a little she smiled and replied " do you need to take a shower sweetheart I saw I was in the same clothes and looked at her and reply " yes" she took my hand and we left the room she showed me her closet I mean it looked like I can fit her clothes she smiles and replies you can pick anything I look into the closet and see a comfortable outfit I grab she smiles and takes my hand and leads me to the bathroom she leaves and I get in....

I wake up and see that sophia is not in the bed I smiled as I knew she was hiding from me I got up and went to my drawer to get clothes I left my room where I used to sleep when in was little and went to the bathroom next door I turned on the water and got in I washed my silky black hair and thought where the heck was sophia...

So I just got out the shower and put on the outfit Mrs Eric let me borrow I slipped it on

                This is how the outfit looks

She walks toward the door and opens it Mrs Eric isn't nowhere to be seen I smile as I walk back to the room while walking I heard another shower running I smiled as I thought in it was Jack because the bathroom was next door to the room I opened t...

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

She walks toward the door and opens it Mrs Eric isn't nowhere to be seen I smile as I walk back to the room while walking I heard another shower running I smiled as I thought in it was Jack because the bathroom was next door to the room I opened the bedroom and didn't see Jack I smiled as I walked toward the bed I plotted on it and waited for Jack I crossed my legs and waited patiently

I got out the shower and thought to myself  I hope sophia is back I got dressed and combed my hair I left the bathroom when the door was closed I smiled as I opened it and saw sophia sitting in the bed

The door opened and I saw Jack he smiles and replies " there you are sweetness" I smile and Jack starts walking toward me I got up when he was in front of me he smiles and replies " like your new outfit " I smile and reply thanks it's your mom's he smiles and kisses me I smile as he sits on the bed he smiles and replies " come to jackie" I smile as I sit on his lap we smile at each other he starts kissing me I smile and run my soft hands into his still wet hair he chuckles and kisses me again we kiss for a while when he lifts up my shirt a little and my bra is showing he smiles he was about to pull it off when the door opened and someone replies " hey sweethearts just wandering if you want breakfast before you.... Before we could say something mrs Eric looked at us she saw jacks hands under my shirt she replied " omg I'm so sorry" I look at Jack he faces his mom and replies "hey mom what do you need" she smiles and replies " I came to see if you two were hungry for breakfast" I smile and reply " of course I am" she smiles and replies well it's ready downstairs" I smile and reply " thank you I will be down in a little" she looks toward Jack he smiles " not hungry mom but thank you" she smiles and replies "okay" I turn around and kiss Jack he smiles and kisses back after 10 mins he notice his mom was still in the room he replied " mom" she snaps out of her thought and replies " oh right yeah I'm going to leave" she walks toward the door I smile and reply "I'll be downstairs right now" she smiles and leaves I look at Jack and reply " meanie " he chuckles and replies " why am I the meanie" I reply " first you don't want breakfast" he smiles and replies " but I'm not hungry" I get up and walked toward the door he replied " baby you're not mad at me right " I smile and reply if course not even if I was a little mad at him he chuckles and replies " you know I can read your thoughts right" damn it I forgot he could do that he smiles I reply maybe a little he smiles and replies "I love you" I smile and reply "love you too"

I walk downstairs and see a table set with food that looked delicious  I saw jace mr and Mrs Eric I smiled as I sat down I got a cinnamon bun eggs bacon and sausage but also I got a cup of orange juice I had a big plate full of food but no one to share it with

I was in my room thinking what I've done I hurt my mom's feelings and my mates feeling I got up from the bed and walked out the room I walked downstairs to see sophia picking at her food I read her mind and she stated I have this plate full of food but no one to share it with I smiled as I walked into the dinning room.she saw me and smiles I smile and sit in a chair I look at her she looks at me I smile she smiles and replies " is there something wrong" I smile and shake my head no she smiles I couldn't take it anymore I needed her by my side I replied " baby" she looks at me and smiles then replied " "yes" I patted to my lap she smiles and carries her plate toward me she smiles and sits on my lap I smile and reply " I love you" she smiles and replies "I love you too"

Jack called me and pointed to his lap I smiled as I picked up my plate and walked toward him I sat on his lap he smiles and replies I love you I smile and reply I love you too he picks up a piece of bacon and bites it I smile as I plucked it out his hand and ate it he smiles and replies that was mine I giggle and reply well it came from my plate so ha! Jack looks at his parents they smiled and replied " that is correct son it came from her plate " jack replies wow you take sophia side and don't take your sons side they look at each other and reply " yeah we take sophia side" sophia replies haha loser! He smiles and kisses me

2 hours later
I don't want to go home" Jack chuckles and replies " baby come on pls don't do this" I whine and reply " I want to stay here" he smiles and replies "next time sweetheart today is very busy so come on" I reply " no I want to stay with your parents he smiles and replies " baby don't make me pull them out" I smile and reply exactly what do you not want to pull out he chuckles his parents by my side reply " uhh no" I look at him and reply shoot not this again I replied " don't even think about it I'm still not going " he smiles and replies her goes nothing those beautiful blue eyes went big he was giving me the puppy dog eyes i look into them and think to myself "don't do it" I heard his mother reply those eyes always got me I smile and   look into his eyes I mean there adorable he stops and replies " baby come to me" I shake my head no he chuckles and replies fine he walks toward the door i thought to myself I wanna stay but I want Jackie I looked toward his parents they smiled and replied we will visit you I smile and reply " baby hold up" I run toward the door to see Jack waiting I run toward him and kiss him he smiles and replies " I knew you'll make up your mind sweetheart" I smile as I get in the car and we leave I wave goodbye to their parents and were off

45 mins later
We are back at home as I smile I run out the car and into the porch I open the door and reply scarlet sky mommies home I heard barking and little feet running toward the hall when I see them the run to me jumping on me I pick them both up and reply " mommy missed you a lot more than daddy" Jack walked in and replies " wow baby that hurt my feelings I smile and reply " but I still love you" he smiles and replies "I love you too" the rest of the  day I played with my puppies and that's all.....

sold to the dark  royal VampireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora