The fun just begun

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Okay I was now driving in the parking lot and omg sky Ben and dulce was amazed dulce replied Sophia Jack you live here I look at Jack he smiles I smile and reply yes we do I parked the car as me and Jack got out and so did the three we walked toward the door I look at my friends and replied and replied another note I'm a vampire they smiled and replied no way I smiled 2nd shook my head yes sky replied prove it I snapped my fingers and my fangs popped out and my green eyes came Jack smiles and shows them his vampire form they smile and reply out friend is a vampire I snapped my finger and I was back to normal I look at them and reply one more thing I have pets and there's other people that live with us they smile and reply what kind of pets before they could finish there sentence I opened the door and they saw two dogs running toward us they replied doggies I went in and so did Jack and the three of them went to scarlet and sky i smiled and sky replied what's there names I smile and Jack smiles and replies to your left is scarlet and in the right is sky. Sky smiles and replied you named your  dog after me that's so kind of you two I smile and reply actually I didn't name it after you it was just an easy name since they are twins sky smiles and replied okay enough talk I go and just let me play with sky i smiled and replied ok I went to Jack and wrap my arms around him he smiles and kisses me we leave the three of them to play with scarlet and sky we sat on the couch in the next room I sat next to Jack and laid my head in his shoulder he smiles and replied are we going to talk about what happened to you in French I smiled and replied you had to bring it up did you he chuckles and replied yeah a little bit I take his hand and kiss all over it he smiles and kisses my head we just talk about how I learned my languages I told him he asked if I could teach him French I smiled and replied of course he smiles after a while I fell asleep Jack is stroking my hair I am peacefully sleeping 


my princess had a long day today while she was sleeping scarlet and sky came in the room with Benjamin sky and dulce they saw me with Sophia and she was sleeping I smiled and whispered I'll be with you guys in 2 mins they smiled as scarlet and sky led them back to the room I placed Sophia down and kisses her head and left...

I went into the next room and saw dulce skyler and Benjamin I smiled and replied so you guys they look my way I smile and reply want a tour of the palace they smile and reply if course pls I smile and start downstairs then we go upstairs we go in the room me and Sophia sleep in then we go in my room then I show them my twin brothers room we do t go in before we moved on sky asked you have a twin brother I smile and reply yes then reply just keep this between me and you three Sophia can never get us right because me and my brother are identical she calls me jace and call him Jack you know what you'll see watch after exploring upstairs we went back downstairs and I showed them the backyard and the kitchen plus the Cameroon and the gue at room they were able to stay in I smiled and replied me and Sophia are glad to have you you guys can stay longer than you like they smk!e and reply thank you Jack we walk back toward the living room I smile and reply and this area is Sophia favorite spot to sleep in if it isn't the room the living room they start to giggle as they see Sophia sleeping and scarlet and sky watching her I smiled and replied anyone up for  pool all three smile as they follow me to the gameroom 


we a're in the Cameroon  when I hear jace  reply "Jack Sophia is sleep on the couch" he just notI've we had company he smiles and replied "hello" all 3 were speechless I smiled and walked toward jace and replied "see I told you were identical" sky replied "wow" jace smiles and reply "hello I'm  jace  this fools twin" "and you three are" "I'm sky"  " I'm Ben" and "i' m  dulce" and we are Sophia friends jace  smiles and replied "hello" I smiled and replied "who's up for another round" we gather around the pool table and go for another round i'm still in the clothes and I choose to go change I reply "hold up I'll be back" and leave I pass the living room and still see Sophia sleep I walk toward her and smile them  kiss her forehead I go upstairs and change after 30 mins i am  in something comfortable I go downstairs and see scarlet and sky at Sophia side I smile and reply "watch her" they bark and I go back to the gameroom they already started a game without me I smiled and replied "I call next round" and I wait for next round...

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