#14: Inko

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I really don't know what to do anymore.

All I could do was watch as Izuku numbly went up to his room while carrying his All-Might figurine like a rag doll.

Alexander had took off in the middle of our walk back from the clinic with a frustrated cry.

To be honest, I feel the same way he does.

My Izuku is quirkless, after all. And I know how much he really wants to become a hero.

It doesn't feel right to just barge in right now, either. I think he needs some space to cool off.


I need to think of something to cheer him up, though. Maybe katsudon?

I smiled. Yeah. It's bound to make him feel better.

With that thought, I grabbed my purse and headed towards the grocery store.


I hadn't expected something like this to happen.

"Midoriya-san!", the little child with the Auburn Brown hair that we met a while ago ran up to me and politely bowed while carrying a basket of groceries. "It is nice to meet you again!"

"Oh!", I covered my mouth in shock, before straining a smile. "Hello, Hikari-chan."

Hikari-chan smiled, before that smile slid off his features. He looked like he wanted to say something, but it looks like he can't.

A beat passed.

"I know it is not my place to pry, Midoriya-san, but...", Hikari-chan looked up at me shyly. "Are you okay?"

I blinked. Then, I let out a solemn sigh as I turned my gaze to the isle full of soup. "I..."

Should I tell him?

I've only just met the child, though. Who knows what he'll do if I tell him the truth?

I glanced back at him. He was still looking at me with those odd Emerald Green eyes full of concern.


He seems trustworthy.

I feel comforted even if I was just in his presence, too. Maybe I could take a risk.

"N-not really, Hikari-chan", for some reasons, tears started to fall out of my eyes. I frantically wiped them while I continued. "Y-you see, Izuku's quirkless..."

"I-Izuku-chan is quirkless?", Hikari-chan couldn't believe it.

I nodded. "He really wants to become a hero, but..."

Silence passed us by.

"Hey, Midoriya-san", Hikari-chan reached out to me with a smile. "Do you know what my quirk is?"

"H-huh?", I couldn't speak. "Q-quirk?"

He nodded and, from his hand, he made a seed he got from a bag grow into a full plant, even without soil. "My quirk is Gaea's Heart; I could control all elements of nature. Fire, water, earth and air...I could also control plants to an extent, bring out life wherever I go, and talk to animals. Though, I would feel sleepy and weak when I'm in a cold climate."

I stared at the plant in awe. "That's...a really nice quirk."

"Thank you, but I don't think of it that way", Hikari-chan frowned. The flower wilted in his hands at a rapid speed. "You see, my quirk had another side; while it may bring life, it can also bring death just as quickly, like this. I almost killed my brother with it once, you know."

My eyes softened. Hikari-chan...

"My peers didn't know this side, but they said that my quirk is just as useless as I am", Hikari-chan's smile turned bitter. "I think they're right, though. I won't really become a hero with this. I can find another way, though."

I stared at him in concern.

With a blink, his smile turned back into a comforting one. "My point, Midoriya-san, is that quirks doesn't really matter. What really matters is who you really are inside. People label everyone by their quirks or lack of one, and that's unfair, isn't it? If Izuku-chan is really that determined to become a hero..."

He handed a card to me. "I may be of assistance."

I scanned the contents of the card, before my eyes widened. L-Light Support Industries!? Isn't that the best hero support company in the whole world?

I turned back to Hikari-chan in awe. That must mean...

How didn't I see it before?


Hikari means light.

He's the heir of this company.

Hikari-chan just smiled at me gleefully, seemingly knowing what I was thinking of.


I returned home and went up to Izuku's room hesitantly. Izuku was blankly staring at the video of All Might's debut.

I walked over to him as he turned to me.

"Okaa-san...", he sniffed. "All Might...he saved a lot of people with a smile. C-can I be a hero like him?"

I stared a him with tears in my eyes, before engulfing him in a hug.

"My point, Midoriya-san, is that quirks doesn't really matter. What really matters is who you really are inside."

I pat his hair comfortingly as I cried with him. "Of course you can become a hero, Izuku..."

Izuku's grip tightened on me, but he seemed relieved. "Okaa-san..."

We stayed like that until Alexander and Tomura barged in with the rest of their crew. Alexander joined us with tears in the corner of his eyes.

Tomura rolled his eyes. "Come on, aren't we going to do something here?"

Alexander threw an All Might themed pencil case at him. It hit him in the forehead. "Ow!"

I let out a watery laugh. I'm glad it ended up fine, after all.

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