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*Cheeky Grin*

New Shikanaru, Enjoy. ❤️

"God the academy is so boring."

"Just think, you only have one more day left."

"And Thank Kami for that, they changed the graduation age from 12 to 16 and I spent an extra 4 years here, however at least the class is better off than it was before."

"Yeah imagine if they didn't change the curriculum, many of the kids in this room would die."

"Especially Sakura. I hate her."

"You and me both kit."

"Naruto What is the answer?"

Naruto looked up at his Sensei, his Sensei put his hands on his hip, and Naruto didn't even know what they were talking about, the class looked at him and he rolled his eyes, his sensei was always singling him out.

"Can you repeat the question, Iruka Sensei?" Naruto asked calmly, if he asked any other way, Iruka would've kicked him out, claiming he wanted nothing to do with the brat.

"I said, what was the Hokage's known for, starting with the first." Naruto rolled his eyes, his azure blue eyes seemed bored with today overall.

"The first Hokage, Hashirama Senju, was known for founding the leaf village and his triumphant fight against Madara Uchiha. The second was known for using water Jutsu without being near water. The third was known as the god of shinobi for his power and ability to beat anybody he stepped on the field with. The fourth was known across the lands as the 'yellow flash' the fastest man alive when he used hirashin. The known fifth Kage, although she isn't Kage yet, is known as the best damn medic in all of the shinobi lands, she a sake drinking and gambling loving Kage who also is a descendant of the first and second Hokage, she is hailed to be the strongest woman alive." Naruto said running a hand through his red and blonde hair.

"Leading off of what he said...." Naruto just rolled his eyes and continued looking out the window until the door opened and Iruka looked to the door.

"Nice of you to join us today, thought I wouldn't see you until tomorrow." Naruto saw a boy with pineapple style hair, he however wore grey pants that stopped just below his knee. He wore a tight black shirt with a dark green robe that cut off at his shoulder. He wore his weapon pouch strapped to his leg and wore black style shinobi boots.

"I came because I was bored, nothing else." At that the girls squealed and Naruto rolled his eyes.

"Nara..." the boy quickly cut his sensei off.

"I no longer belong to that clan, I've been disowned, so do not call me that." Naruto looked on, he would never wished that on anybody. To have a family and then loose it, that would kill him.

"Just take a seat and shut up."

"Wow what crawled up his ass and died." Naruto chuckled a little out loud which drew attention to him. The pineapple haired male was looking at him, he tilted his head. He's never seen her before. Then again he only comes to take the test and move to the next grade.

He wasn't weak and didn't associate with weak people.

However he'd come to school everyday to try and get a piece of her.

He walked down the isle, ignoring the girls squeals and heart eyes for looking at the mostly red and blonde haired who he assumed was a girl based on how Naruto was dressed. Naruto wore black tight pants, however his shirt was a long sleeve white shirt that stopped right halfway down his chest. Shikamaru sat right next to the boy and the girls groaned, Naruto continued to look out the window and Iruka finally went back to his lesson.

Shikamaru didn't say nothing but kept giving side glances to the boy who's hair was mostly red than the blonde. Naruto could feel the eyes on him, and when Iruka dismissed the class, everybody walks out leaving Naruto and the boy.

"Is there a reason you were staring at me the entire class?" Naruto said he stood up and leaned against Iruka's desk. He didn't know why this boy was making him feel all warm now that they were alone.

"I think you're cute. Tell me what's your name." Naruto hummed as he watched the boy stand up and walk towards him, he watched as his coat flowed, he was dangerous, that chakra was unmistakable.

"Mate, our mate is looking at us with such delicious eyes." Naruto licked his lips, this boy in front of him was a demon just like he is.

And that turned him on extremely. Shikamaru stood right in front of Naruto, the attraction was immediate for him. He placed his hands on the desk, right next to Naruto basically trapping Naruto.

"Naruto, no last name." Naruto placed a hand on the boys cheek, giggling a little because most men didn't want anything to do with him after this fact.

"And I'm a male, just dress like a girl." Naruto Said and the boys eyes only darkened with even more desire.

"That's our mate Shikamaru. Look at how our desire sky rocketed after finding out he was a male."

"Matsu, look at those blue eyes."

"I understand."

"Shikamaru, used to be a Nara but no more. Want to hang out?" Naruto hummed tilting his head, before he gave Shikamaru a smile.

"Another time, I'll see you tomorrow." Naruto ghosted a breath over the ear of Shikamaru's, licking his lips before he muttered the next sentence.

"Let's hope they put the two worst students on a team together." Naruto kissed the cheek of Shikamaru before leaving in a cloud of smoke, leaving the boy standing in the classroom.

"Such a feisty mate." Matsu said inside his jailer.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."


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