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Gaara woke up to Shukaku speaking, it was about 6.am and he wanted to train Gaara but Gaara felt so warms and wondered why, then he saw himself holding onto Naruto like a lifeline and Shikamaru's arms around him, not in a romantic hold but as if they were both trying to keep him warm in a family hold. This was nothing like how Shukaku hold him.

"Kit, go get dressed. Leave them a note and go train." Gaara nodded, and pulled away from then both, pushing Naruto closer to his mate, before writing a note, getting dressed in Naruto clothes since they were similar in size and leaving listening to his demon.

Three hours later Naruto awoke panicking, he didn't feel Gaara's in his arms, and he checked the bathroom and common room and was about to wake Shikamaru until he saw the note, he calmed his heart slightly reading the letter. He went into the shower to clean himself, of the blood and dirt that dried on him.

He felt the curtain being pulled back and somebody joining him. He realized it was Shikamaru, and hummed as he felt arms around his waist and a head rest against his shoulder.

"Where's Gaara?" Naruto chuckled.

"He went to train, is somebody a doting father?" Shikamaru chuckled, leaning up to wash his and Naruto's hair.

"Maybe, but you did hold him like a mother holds her child." Naruto smiled.

"Not my fault. It's who I am. They heard knocking on the door and the door opening.

"Naruto, Shikamaru I'm back." Naruto turned off the shower and peaked his head out.

"How was training? Shikamaru asked grabbing a tower for him and Naruto.

"It was okay, Naruto I borrowed some clothes is that alright?" Gaara asked shuffling and Naruto smiled.

"It's okay, say let's head to Kirigakure okay? After we have should reach Iwagakure and then be home in the three weeks we had to complete the mission." and right now they were approaching week two.

They dressed and left, walking towards the port to rent a boat. With the boat rented they paddled through the water, Gaara liking the quietness of them, and the water of the ocean. They were better than his blood family, and he didn't care that they died.

"Gaara come, we are here." Shikamaru Said as Gaara blinked, he didn't know that he drifted off like that. Walking into the village they went straight to the tower, they didn't knock and just opened the door, an attractive red headed female in the Mizukage hat and robe and next to her was a man with weird hair and eye patch.

"What can I do for three people wanted by the sand and in this weeks addition of the bingo book? The woman said and Naruto tilted his head.

"Are we in the bingo book already? We are still on our first mission." Naruto Said and Shikamaru hummed.

"Well that doesn't matter, what matters is you allowing Haku and Zabuza back under this village. You and I both know what Zabuza did was the right thing." Mei sighed and looked to Ao.

"What that criminal did was execute the fourth Mizukage, why should Mizukage-sama allow that monster back here?" Shikamaru looked at the Kage.

"Does your right hand man, not even know how the revolution of the mist came to be?" Shikamaru asked and Ao looked to Mei, she stood up slamming her hand down on the table

"Everybody leave, now." She Said in a stern voice, Everybody obeyed her. Gaara and Naruto stood by and watched for Shikamaru knew what he was doing.

"What does he mean?" Shikamaru clicked his teeth.

"While Mei is hailed as the true leader of peace for the bloody mist village, it isn't that black and white. She had help, and what did she do to that help, she banished them. Both of them." Shikamaru started and Mei looked out to the window.

"When Yagura was killing those with bloodline limits. Zabuza companion had one. He could use ice style, the last one of his kind too. I came to Zabuza and Kisame with a deal. Kill Yagura and we will move this village to peace and save the one Haku." Ao looked shocked to be learning such a secret.

"Then what?" Shikamaru Said and Mei exhaled. Not moving from the window.

"Yagura was being used, and whoever used Yagura caught Kisame and Zabuza killing the Kage and told the council. When they said they were only following orders the council didn't believe them and exiled them both. I did nothing and watch the two that put their trust in me be exiled from the village, back then I thought that I would truly lead this village to peace with or without them but my guilt eats me alive at night." Tears fell down the face of Mei and Ao only hugged her.

Although she hated the Era of the bloody mist, she did think in the same way.

"You will fix those wrongs correct? Kami knows where Kisame is." Shikamaru Said and Mei nodded.

"I will fix it, thank you. Now you three should leave. We do have an alliance with the sand." The three nodded and bowed to show respect.

"Tell Zabuza to send me a letter when he returns." Ao nodded.

"I'll make sure of it, you three be safe." The three left and took off to Iwagakure. They wanted to bathe in the hot springs, really Shikamaru wanted every opportunity to see Naruto naked but usually controlled his urges around others.

However Gaara could be an exception.

Three day later, two weeks and a half into their mission, they had four days to return home when they reached Iwagakure. They let them in, despite those stunning blue eyes reminding them of a criminal who would never be allowed to step foot here. With the most popular hotsprings found they bought a private spring for just the three of them.

Naruto was excited to do things that he couldn't do in that village. The only thing he could do in that village is was walk and that's it. He didn't speak and he didn't look at anybody. He just walked with his destination mind. He wish back then that he knew of Shikamaru, maybe they wouldn't have met so late in their life.

"What are you thinking about?" Shikamaru asked as they saw Gaara swimming, exposing his pale cheeks.

"What if we met earlier? Like what if we met when we were ten? And you took me with you out the village at ten. What would our life be like?" Naruto turned around to look at those raven eyes, he could see the wheels turning.

"The only thing that would change is that we would've been together for 6 years, instead of close to three weeks. However my love for you wouldn't change." Shikamaru Said bringing Naruto in for a kiss.

"I'm heading to bed. Please don't have sex in their bath." Gaara Said and Shikamaru chuckled. He planned on it. Shikamaru however connected his lips to Naruto.

Naruto hummed kissing back, wrapping his hands around the man he will spend the rest of his life. He didn't care, that he and Shikamaru just met. Demons know their mates as soon as they see them and this was his mate. Naruto moaned into the deepening kiss, Shikamaru stilled Naruto's hips, if he moved anymore he would take him in this bath.

"Naruto stop moving." Naruto heard him but didn't stop. He pulled their bodies together, feeling Shikamaru's member harden against him. Shikamaru groaned and finally pulled away from Naruto. Naruto didn't want that so he brought Shikamaru back in for a kiss.

Naruto took the holder out of his mates hair humming as he rubbed Shikamaru's member against his hole, is it bad that he wanted his mate in the most sinful was as possible, and Kurama let that happen. Naruto with no prep just sat himself down on Shikamaru's member, but it didn't hurt and he was in a lustful haze that he didn't care, pulling away from Shikamaru panting when Shikamaru's 10 inch member Impaled him in the most delicious ways.

"Naruto I'm not going to stop." Shikamaru raven eyes seemed to mix with coal. Naruto licked his lips and gave a bounce before elongating his canines ghosting them along Shikamaru's neck.

"Don't, I don't care that we've just met. I knew we'd be together the minute I looked into those eyes." Naruto said and then he bit his lip before sending a sensual smile to his mate.

"You don't have to go slow either." 


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