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"Where are you taking me?" Naruto asked, the two have successfully left the village gates, this is the first time Naruto has left the village, apparently it's not Shikamaru's. They continued to walk and the sun was setting, just then they stumbled upon a village, a civilian village called Ash. Naruto has read about this place it was known for their Star festivals and Dango's.

When they walked in the place was decorated, like they were having a festival, Naruto's eyes lit up. He's never been to a festival because the villagers would try to beat him. They had several booth, decorated and the lights twinkled as the sun finally set and the stars shined in the sky. Shikamaru brought Dango's and pulled Naruto along to where he came to just calm his heart and mind.

Despite not carrying the Nara name anymore, he still like to look at the sky.

They reached a hill, and when the reached the end, they were overlooking the entire village, and the sky seemed especially beautiful here, especially to Naruto, Naruto and Shikamaru sat down and looked at the sky together, Naruto's smile didn't go away, as he ate the dango.

"The stars make your eyes shine." Shikamaru Said and Naruto smiled, he ran a hand through his red and blonde hair, looking at Shikamaru.

"A secret for a secret?" Naruto said calmly and Shikamaru nodded, Naruto snuggled into Shikamaru more before sighing.

"I'm the Jinchuriki for the nine tailed fox Kurama, and he's saved me countless times from the villagers beatings. He has since I was 4." Shikamaru frowned , such a cruel life for his beautiful mate.

"I'm the Jinchuriki for the shadow demon Matsu. It's only known by the Nara clan and the Hokage's." Naruto looked at Shikamaru but didn't move from his arms.

"Who was the previous jailer?" Naruto asked.

"My mother, however she had me and Shikadai, Shikadai being the oldest. The forth Hokage sealed him into me when my mother couldn't contain him because she had me, they were only expecting one child not two. So my clan blamed me for her death and hailed Shikadai. My father, my own father disowned me when I was only ten." Naruto just sat in the lap of Shikamaru, letting Shikamaru's arms encase him.

"Where do you live?" Shikamaru scoffed.

"A shady inn, I have nowhere else to go." Naruto looked up and brought Shikamaru to face him.

"Come stay with me. It's nothing fancy but it isn't some shady pedophiles inn." Naruto Said soothing the face of Shikamaru.

"You love me already." Naruto scoffed.

"You're my mate, Kurama and Matsu agree. I don't like the idea of some pedophile touching what belongs to me, and me only." Naruto whispered and Shikamaru hummed.

"So possessive, but I don't mind." Naruto chuckled, before he clicked his teeth.

"You better, I expect you to be just as protective and possessive." Shikamaru brought Naruto for a quick kiss, pulling away and seeing the look of disappointment from Naruto.

"I will be, should we head home?" Shikamaru asked and Naruto shook his head.

"They won't notice, let's stay a day, sneak back in tomorrow. What are they going to do? Demote us? Naruto Said nibbling at the chin of Shikamaru, lapping up the sugar of the dango.

"Lets do it, it's been so long since I slept in an actually bed." Naruto frowned some more, but let Shikamaru lead him to the nearest inn.

Kurama stood inside his jailers mind, his fox tails and ears flowing and his long crimson hair stood in a ponytail. He hummed as he saw Shikamaru and Naruto join hands. Once he did he closed his eyes and opened them to see Matsu in his human form sleeping.

Saving the Lands, In A I Hate Konoha Kind Of Way. Where stories live. Discover now