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"Today is our mission, are you excited?" Shikamaru asked dryly as he held Naruto. Naruto didn't say anything as he just stroked the chest of Shikamaru.

"Want to hear a conspiracy theory?" Naruto asked and Shikamaru hummed.

"My father was the fourth Hokage." Naruto has been thinking about why he had no last name nor clan name. He's been doing research, only one clan can hold the nine tails because his chakra is immense, and that was the Uzumaki clan.

"I don't think it's a theory honey." Naruto nodded, I mean just because he figured he was an Uzumaki doesn't mean the fourth was his father.

"I think you may actually be right. Who else could seal beast into children?" Shikamaru Said as they looked at the ceiling.

"Why are you thinking of your heritage now?" Shikamaru sat up scratching his hair, he needed to wash it.

"Kurama is gaining some of his memories since the sealing is all. I just want another mind to bounce this off of." Shikamaru smiled and kissed Naruto on the cheek happy to see that frown turn into a smile.

"Of course, we have a mission. Wear this." Shikamaru held up olive green shorts that stopped at Naruto's knee's with it was a light grey tank top, and a black robe with his stomach and shoulders exposed.

"Okay, then you have to wear this." Naruto held a similar outfit, they would in a sense be matching. Naruto held up a tight olive green pants, and a grey shirt that was long sleeve. While Shikamaru's black robe was sleeveless and covered his stomach.

"You want to match?" Shikamaru asked taking his clothes and handing Naruto his. Naruto nodded and just stripped, not caring that Shikamaru was staring at him, they were mates, Shikamaru could see him without clothes.

"Want to skip the mission?" Shikamaru whispered seeing Naruto's boy cut underwear hug his tight butt. Naruto smiled putting on his pants.

"As much as I want too, we shouldn't. Who knows what that old bat wants. She won't be as quiet as the old man." Naruto said grabbing his last minute sealing utensils and weapons.

"I suppose we are already late. Hold my hand." Naruto nodded and held his hand, they appeared at the Hokage room with a not too happy Tsunade.

"You both are two hours late." Naruto hummed and tilted his head.

"I don't remember you both giving us a time. Just to meet here in three days." The smoke from Shikamaru's cigarette and Hizuren pipe was all that could be smelled in the room.

"You all know to come at 9am when being called by the Kage. You know what, Sensei please give them their mission." Shikamaru smiled and Hizuren cleared his throat.

"This mission is a A-rank mission marked C. You will protect the bridge builder named Tazuna and help him build the bridge in the land of waves. Bloodshed will be involved." The door opened and the man stinked of sake.

Shikamaru only hummed, smoking a cigarette. Not really knowing how he picked up the habit, maybe from the shady inn owner. He just watched as the bridge builder looked at him and Naruto.

"They'll do, we will leave now. I do have a bridge to build." Naruto looked at the man.

"No offense, but you're a civilian. I don't take orders from anybody. You will follow behind me, and Shikamaru behind you. We will leave now. Is that alright baby?" Naruto Said looking at Shikamaru to see him nodded.

"Yeah, let's head out. I want another date with you." Naruto smiled and led the bridge builder out.

Once the duo left, Tsunade looked at Hizuren he was calmly smoking a pipe. She almost didn't want to bring it up, but she couldn't deny the similarities anymore.

Saving the Lands, In A I Hate Konoha Kind Of Way. Where stories live. Discover now