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"You better not lay a hand on him." Naruto Said as his Adamantine Chains came out once again, capturing everyone.

"You all kill our kind for what? This need for power." Shikamaru Said untying the red head, giving him a kind smile while looking at the members of this unsealing.


Six bastards stood trapped in Naruto's chains. Naruto looked at Shikamaru and the boy, the boy looked frightened beyond belief.

"What's your name?" Naruto asked and the boy shook nervously.

"Gaara Sabaku." Naruto and Shikamaru tilted their head.

"You mean to tell us, your own father saw you as an unfit Jinchuriki?" Naruto Said and Gaaa nodded. Naruto hummed and Shikamaru left in a cloud of smoke. Naruto closed his eyes, feeling a dormant power awaken and when he did he called out the Jutsu.

"Adamantine Scorching Chains,." Naruto hands rose as his fire and wind Chakra mixed, he sent the fire down the chains effectively mummifying them.

When his eyes opened he looked to the carnage, taking his chains and placing them back in. He turned to Gaara who was on his knees crying. Naruto squatted down to him, placing a hand on his shoulder, when he did he was immediately wrapped in a hug.

"Thank you brother." Naruto smiled, Gaara must've sensed it too. Naruto nodded and Kurama calmed slightly.

"Come, it's time you leave with us. Where we are isn't better but for now it's safe." Gaara nodded, he trusted his brothers, Shukaku said that Kurama was his brother while Matsu was Kurama's mate. Shikamaru came back, soaked in blood and Naruto tilted his head.

"I killed the Kazekage but then I overheard his son and daughter talking about Gaara finally dying so I killed them, the Anbu came and I killed them so long story short we have to go. We've might've just started a war." Shikamaru Said and Naruto laughed.

"Come Gaara, it's time to go." Naruto and Shikamaru held the hands of Gaara before taking off in the sand. They could hear the alarms ringing and they just hid their chakra and ran toward the wall, that was the quickest way to Kirigakure. They lifted Gaara up tossing him over first, then did Naruto and Shikamaru took to the wall and continue running until they were out of the desert and back on forest terrain.

"That old bat is going to kill us." Shikamaru Said and Naruto chuckled.

"Maybe, or we kill everybody in that village starting with Shikadai." Naruto shrugged and Gaara spoke.

"You both are shunned in your village too?" Naruto and Shikamaru decided to rest in a village not to far from the land of water. They walked in the gate nodding before telling Gaara of their story.

"You already know I hold the nine tails. Hizuren let the village know of what I hold. I was beaten everyday since I turned four. Kurama trained me in everything I wanted to learn, I'm the only person to have a Kekkei Genkai Of many things. I know Wood Style, Swift Release, Scorch Style, Lava Style and Crystal Style. I have my clans Adamantine Chains, and Kurama says it only growing, I have a Doujutsu called, Shinjitsu no me. Meaning truthful eyes, I can make anybody tell the truth with it activated as well as see chakra levels." Naruto spoke and Shikamaru nodded.

"I hold the shadow demon Matsu, he was sealed and was given as a gift to the Nara clan, he was sealed into me and with that my clan hated me and disowned me, claiming i killed my mother when I did no such thing. I was disowned when I was ten. I'm a Kenjutsu and Taijutsu expert, I didn't gain the ability use shadows, however I could disappear like one. I actually have an eye dojustu called Shadōai, meaning Shadow eye I can see shadows and things people want to hide with the eye." Shikamaru spoke and Gaara teal eyes widened in wonder.

"What about you Gaara?" Gaara pointed to his seal and frowned.

"They sealed me being able to see Shukaku. I can only hear him. He can't teach me anything without me being to see him." Naruto smiled, and set down dinner.

"How about we pay Shukaku a visit after all, I am a seal master as well." Gaara smiled and nodded. So that after dinner they laid Gaara in a bed, Naruto stood over him examining the seal and tweaked it, so it was much like His and Shikamaru's. Once that was done they all traveled to Gaara's mind scape, including Matsu and Kurama.

"Mate." Matsu Said as he ran to Kurama. Kurama opened his arms welcoming his mate, kissing those coal like locks and smiled.

"Huh, I would've thought Matsu would be the Seme." Shikamaru shrugged because he was a Seme.

"Matsu is the Uke, he was one before he was sealed in you. Just because you're the Seme doesn't mean your demon is." Shikamaru nodded and their was a voice heard.

"Kurama, you furball. Where's my Kit?" Naruto smiled at the red face of Gaara, he pushed Gaara along to lead them to Shukaku. This was Gaara's mind only he knew where he was going.

When they reached the place that held Shukaku, there standing in a field of flowers was a brown haired, gold eyed man. With blue tattoo's littered on his body. He turned around and gave Gaara a smile.

"Kit, come." Shukaku held out his hands and Gaara ran to him, hugging the man that has saved him countless times. Naruto and Shikamaru smiled, with Shikamaru brining Naruto to him, and Matsu was purring in the arms of Kurama.

"So you trust them? Want me to tell them?" Shukaku asked and Gaara nodded. He sat down with Gaara still in his chest who happened to fall asleep and everybody did the same.

"You all must know that Gaara rarely speaks. It's not because he doesn't know what to say it's that he's afraid to speak. When Gaara was five is when the beatings started, his sand was sealed away, he has Magnet Release which allows him to control sand at his will. So I had to use my chakra to cover him and heal him, which didn't look too well, when Gaara would tell his father that the beating were happening, he would only have his brother and sister beat him, which is why he doesn't talk. He could handle the beating from the villagers, but it hurt too much getting one from what he called his family." Naruto clenched his fist, he was happy Shikamaru killed them all.

"So what powers does he have dormant?" Kurama asked, as Matsu licked and nibbles away at his neck.

"He has the ability to master Medical Ninjustu, earning a blue diamond not green. He can perfect his Kekkei Genkai as well as master Genjutsu and Ninjutsu, maybe even a Dojutsu." Everybody nodded and looked at the broken soul.

"I will help my Kit, for its my fault he's 16 and powerless." Shikamaru shook his head.

"It's not your fault, I'm sure he doesn't blame you." Naruto nodded.

"Gaara is our Kin, we will also look after him. We won't hurt him or let anybody hurt him." Shukaku nodded and they all stood to leave.

"You can start his training tomorrow, we will leave for Kirigakure next, after a little vacation before heading back to Konoha." Naruto Said and Shukaku nodded holding his kit.

"Kurama. Matsu did you tell them yet?" Shukaku asked in his mind link with them?

"Nope, However they will know soon. Their seventeen birthday is around the corner. Shikamaru and Naruto first then Gaara. What's that mean for you?" Kurama asked.

"Gaara is my mate. I love him, I've have since he was 12." Kurama smiled.

"Good for you Racoon. We will be leaving. See you soon."

They left the mind scape and went to sleep that night, it was peaceful and Gaara wrapped his hands around Naruto and Shikamaru didn't mind, he knew that Gaara just wanted some affection so he brought Gaara in between him and Naruto and wrapped his arms around him.

With moon shining above the sky, the three lost souls slept soundly, as the stars illuminated their faces.


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