Paul NYU

119 12 68


Summer of 1988

I walk out of the lecture hall of my last final exam for summer break. I let out the breath that I had been holding the whole fucking final. I've never been good at taking tests, but I love school so much. I more semester and I will be a full-fledged lawyer just like my father. My hero! It may be summer break, but I will still be working at my dad's law firm. I look over and see, and my best bud is running over looking frazzled as usual.

"Paul! Paul!" He yells as he runs up.

"Man! Why you are yelling! I 'm right here." I laugh.

"Did you hear?"

"I just got out of my final. I haven't talked to anyone. What's up?"

"There is going to be an epic party at the NYU Latino Alliance!"

"Those parties are whack, and they charge you for it," I complain.

"No bro! This one is FREE! The liquor is free! So where there is free booze, I'm there!" He cracks a smile. "You wanna roll with me?"

"Sure, I'll go. Free is free right?" I laugh. "First I have to do my dad's office. I will see you out front of your dorm at seven?"


I jump on the subway, and I am on my way to my dad's office. The heat is unreal I hate New York heatwaves they are unbearable. I finally get off the subway and walk the two blocks as quick as I can. I look the door and it the sign out front says Esteban Ryan Law firm. One day my name will be on there too. Before I go in I go around the building and take a cigarette out of backpack and light it up. I take a long drag and savor the feeling. I have tried to quit so many times, but I haven't had the motivation to do so. I throw the butt on the cement and step on it with the tip of my shoe and walk into the office.

"Mijo, como estas?" My dad asks as he comes to hug me. "Fumastes?"

"Yes, dad I smoked," I say and feel as guilty as all fuck.

"Que te dije?"

"What did you tell me?" I say getting annoyed. "You told me to stop smoking. It's bad for my health. Papa, I will be fine. No te precupes."

"Don't tell me not to worry! You're my son and I'll always worry about you, Paul. How did your last final go?"

"It went well. I think I did well. Martin and I are going to a party at the Latino Alliance tonight I hear it will be free."

"Oh, I heard that there was going to be a party thrown for free. I think it's the dignitary from the Dominican Republic throwing it. His daughter will be attending NYU in the fall."

"Wow, this party just because his daughter is coming to the school?"

"Yes, he spoils all his daughters. There are six of them."

"Damn, that's a lot of girls in one house."

"Thank god we only had sons." He says. I give him another hug. "Have a good time Hijo. Be safe."


This party is popping, and I am so glad that I came with Martin. I am drunk as fuck and having a blast. I am dancing with a beautiful Afro-Latina she is a complete bitch but this girl is fine. I will never see her after this anyways. We are grinding to the song I Wanna Sex You Up and boy can she move. I lost Martin somewhere during the night, but he is a big boy. I go to the bar and get more shots and slam them back with the beauty.

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