Chapter 9

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I sit for a few minutes in the car and smile thinking about my night and how much fun I had with her. I have never felt comfortable with girls, but she made me feel like I could be myself. I finally get out of my car and head into my house. Once I close the, I begin I strip to my underwear and collapse in my bed. I take in a deep breath, and I can still smell her. It makes me happy. I'm suddenly exhausted and fall asleep almost instantly.

My phone ringing awakes me. Man, who the fuck is calling me so early? I reach for my wayfarer eyeglasses on my nightstand and put them on to see who is calling me. I look at the screen, but I don't recognize the number. I push decline and try to go back to sleep, but the phone rings again. Fuck!

'Hello?" I answer with a tired voice.

"Mr. Ryan this is Vaughn from Sophisticated Suits reminding you of your alterations today." I dart up rubbing my head. Holy shit I almost forgot my suit for my premiere.

"What time?"

"At three sir." He tells me. I look at the time, and it is two fifteen. Oh crap, I overslept!

"I'll be there soon." I hang up.

I damn it! It was worth it though. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I could use more sleep. I could sleep all day if I didn't have somewhere to be. I have just enough time to jump in the shower and head over there just as I wrap the towel around my waist my phone rings again.

"Hello," I answer.

"Good Morning Riley." Jack laughs. "Did you just wake up?

"Yeah, I overslept. What' up?"

"What are you going to do right now."?

"I have to get my alternations for my tuxedo. I almost forgot about it."

"Yeah, I got mine this morning, and the guy was freaking out that you hadn't come in yet. I told him you had a late photo shoot. You want to go with us to the pottery place to see Kaylee and Ayana?" He asks. He had me at Ayana.

"Go with me to the tux place, and we can head over after that. Who is us?"

"Johnny." He says with irritation in his voice. "He keeps saying he wants to see Ayana again." I roll my eyes.

"Alright, see ya in five." I go and put on a pair of shorts and a white shirt. I walk over to Jack's house, and I see them on the stoop. I see Johnny hand Jack a cigarette. "What the fuck Jack I thought you quit?"

"I did, I'm just stressed. I won't do it again."

"It is what it is. You better quit before Kaylee quits you. Are we taking the subway?"

"Nah, I'm gonna drive," Johnny says. We get in the car I get in the back seat. I lie down in the back. I am still feeling completely exhausted. I close my eyes, and he drives away from the curb.

"Why are you so tired?" Johnny asks.

"Long photo shoot last night and some of us went out after, and I came in after five this morning."

"Did you have fun?" he asks.

"Yeah, it was the best. Hope to do it again soon, " I say and yawn.

We get to the tuxedo shop with a few minutes to spare. We are placed in a private room and offered beer which makes us smile.

"Please remove your clothing, leave your underwear on." The shop owner Giovanni tells me.


I start to take off my shorts and shirt off while Giovanni is leaving the room to get the tux.

"Man, so not fair!" Johnny says.

Revealing RileyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora