Chapter 5

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I hear Jack yelling my name over and over again. I hear banging on the bathroom door. I can't respond. Hell, I can't even open my eyes. A loud cracking sound can be heard. I could understand everything going on which was very surreal and scary to me.

"RILEY!!! No, don't do this to me!! What did you take?" I heard Jack screaming. He shakes me by the shoulders. "Please no."

"I think he took these!" I can hear Kaylee say back to him. "Put pressure on his arm baby he is losing a lot of blood."

"Oh God, please. Call 911 Babe!" He cries out to her. He grabs my arm and squeezes it.

"Okay, baby ." She says between sobs. I can hear her dialing her phone. " We need an ambulance. Please hurry!"

"Riley PLEASE, why did you do this!" Jack is still screaming. "Call mama."

"Honey the ambulance is on their way. I'm going to call your mama when I'm waiting for them to get here."

I can feel Jack holding on to me tight. I can also feel his tears dripping on to my face. I'm so fucking stupid! Why did I do this? I can't do this to them. I can hear a lot of different voices, but I can't make out who they are.

"What did he take? How did you find him?"

"He was upset today, so I came to check on him. When I walked in, I noticed that his house is trashed At first I thought he got robbed. So, I yelled his name and got no answer at the point I got panicked. I checked the bathroom, and the door was locked I screamed his name and still no answer, so I broke the door down and found him collapsed on the floor foaming at the mouth. Please save him. Please." Jack tells them.

"What's his full name?" One of the paramedics asks.

"Riley Ryan" Kaylee answers for Jack.

"Riley, can you hear me?" The paramedics yell. I can feel his fingers on the side of my neck. "He has a faint pulse, let's do some rescue breaths, then we will start an IV and get him to the nearest hospital."

I feel my back against the cold tiles as I'm being laid on the ground. I feel something on my mouth that is pushing air into my lungs. I think hard air forced into my lungs, and it hurts so badly. My body is being lifted to what feels like a bed, and the towel I had around my waist falls away. I feel the warmth of a blanket covering me. Something sharp pricks my skin and I can feel a cooling liquid enter my veins. My mouth being forced open and a tube is pushed into my throat it makes me gag. I think that I'm jerked to my side quickly and I begin to vomit violently. My throat is burning, and I feel them lying me on my back again. My breathing feels normal again I groan in pure agony my eyes begin to open slowly.

"Welcome back you had us scared there for a bit." The Paramedic says I stare at him confused. I shake my head back and forth panicked for a second. Where is Jack? Where is my brother? I swallow hard. It hurts bad.

"Jack." I force out.

"He is following us he will meet us there." He says to me. I look around and realize I am no longer at home but in an ambulance.

"Do you know your name?" The paramedic asks me

"Riley Ryan," I say with a wince.

"What did you take?"

"About a handful antidepressants."

"Okay, we are almost there." The female paramedics says as she strokes my hair to comfort me. I did not realize that I had tears falling down my face. We stop, and they wheel me in, and my eyes keep trying to close. I feel like a ran a marathon I'm drained. I want to sleep.

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