Chapter 21

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I stomp down the hall. Jack and Jesse try to chase after me, but I'm on a mission. I walk in front of the nurse's station in a blind rage. I don't register anything but my anger. I start heading to the elevators I am ready to beat the fucking hell out of Johnny Vargas. 

"Riley, please stop. Talk to me!" Ayana tried to plead with me, but it falls on deaf ears.

I keep walking forward to push the button on the elevator. A loud crashing sound catches my attention. I turn around and see that Ayana has fallen with her IV pole. Oh shit! It is as if reality slapped me in the face. Now I am aware of everything going on around me. I run over to her as fast as I can.

"Babe, are you ok?" I ask. I panic when I notice the blood on the floor.

"I think so. Oh no, I am bleeding."

She lifts her arm. I notice that she pulled her IV clear out of her arm. Fuck! Man, what the hell I'm I doing?

"What in the devil is going on out here!" Nique says to us. I pick Ayana up off the floor and carry her to her room.
"I'm a fucking idiot that's what's going on," I say sadly. Nique shakes her head at me.

I get Ayana to bed her quickly. I am so embarrassed by my behavior that I begin to get teary eyed. Ayana pulls me close, and she strokes my hair and hums. I look up at her.

" I'm sorry. I have no idea what came over me. The thought of you hurt on purpose was more than I could bear." I say looking at my hands.

"You frightened me."

"I didn't mean to scare you. Please don't be upset."

" I was scared for you; not of you. I thankful that you snapped out of it and stopped."

"I am just tired, and I was not thinking straight."

"You can go home and sleep if you want babe."

"No. I told you that I wouldn't leave you alone. I am staying if that's okay."

"Of course, silly. Kiss me and lie next to me and go to sleep." She says.

I slip off my shoes and climb in the bed. I kiss Ayana, and we get a bit carried away with our tongues dancing in unison. We both are breathing heavy.

"Gross!" Jack laughs. Startling us. " Dude, Riley you almost got knocked out by the guerilla of a security guard by the door. Stop kissing you're making me gag."

"Shut up Jack." I laugh. " I forgot about the guard. Is he that huge?"

"Freaking huge!" Jesse adds. " You ok BB?"

"BB?" Ayana asks.

"Baby Brother," Jesse says with a huge smile.

"Jesse, I am sorry I yelled at you," I say. 

"No worries. I understand I would do that too if someone tried to hurt Zoe."He says. "Bro, we all told you that Johnny was a piece of shit. I hope you see that now."

"I know I should have listened to you guys. I see what a fucking monster he truly is."

My eyes are suddenly feeling heavy; I close them for a second. I can hear bits and pieces of their conversation. I listen to them talking about Zoe being pregnant.

"Do you know the sex of the baby?" Ayana asks Jesse.

"Babies," I mumble and fall back to sleep.

I am jolted awake by screaming. I realize that Ayana is screaming and crying in her sleep. I sit up quickly to try to wake her from her nightmare.

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