Chapter 3

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The Funeral was very short and to a ten-year-old very dull. I'm glad when it's over. We sat towards the back with our Abuelos because Julia did not let us sit with the family. Everyone stared at us because daddy's secret was sitting right in front of them. A woman whispered to another lady that I looked so much like my dad. Mommy was happy that she got to say goodbye to Daddy. I am glad that we had the Abuelos too they were very supportive of us. I can feel they care what happens to us.

That summer we moved in with Tia Mari in her one-bedroom apartment in Queens. This is hard for Jack and I because we are used to having our own space. If we would get upset with each other, we could go to our private rooms to get the space we needed. We had some fall down fights while at Tia Mari's because we can't get away from each other. It is taking a toll on Mommy. She is used being the woman of the house. Now there are two of them, and sometimes they argue about the dumbest things. One time they screamed at each other because the tortilla burned. Abuelo was trying to get our house back for us, but it seemed like a battle that we would not win.

Abuelo paid for a summer theater program for me all I had to do was see a therapist once a week which I hated with a passion, but I loved the theater class so much I did what I had to do. He said I had to go to the therapist, but he never said I had to speak. So I would sit on the bean bag in the therapist office and not say a word for an hour. He also paid for Jack to take writing classes because he had a great talent in writing stories. He also introduced Jack to his love of wanting to become a lawyer. Jack When school was going to start he would go and help Abuelo at the office which he loved. I loved Abuelo but going to the office was boring as hell. Abuelo wanted to pay for a semi-private school that focused on the arts when Mommy agreed I was over the moon happy.

Every Wednesday like clockwork we would have dinner all the grandchildren and the Abuelos, and on occasion, Mommy would join us too. We took turns picking where to eat mostly burgers and stuff like that once in a while they would make us pick something else like Thai food and Sushi which we all learned to love. We slowly got to know the other kids. Jack and Jesse became close very quickly because they were closer in age and they would go to parties together. Julia did not like us at all, but Mommy embraced all of the kids especially Ava because she was the only girl and they loved her a lot too. Which Julia hated even more, and Mommy loved that more than she should have. Mommy kept telling me to be more open with the other kids, but it's hard for me.

One time I time my class ended early and I went home, and Ava was there with mama. My mama told Jack and I that Ava took the Subway all by herself from Manhattan to Queens.

"You're mom is going to be pissed!" Jack said to her.

"She won't even know I'm gone," she says.

"What do you mean Ava?" Mama asks.

"She doesn't interact with any of us. She stays in her room. I have a nanny. I love that I can talk with you, Tia Valeria."

"Mi Pobrescita Niña," Mama says hugging her tightly.

"She's not your Niña." I regret the words as soon as they leave my mouth. "I'm sorry Ava. I didn't mean it."

"It's okay Riley. You're my brother, and we are supposed to fight." She says with a smile. I feel bad that i don't share the same sentiments as she does.

She stays for a few hours, and she bakes cookies with Mama which is fine by me I hate doing all that stuff. If it makes mama happy, then I am all for it.

Before summer is over Abuelo did what he promised! He got our Manhattan house back, and what's more Mommy, Jack and I got money from Daddy's estate, put it this way if I never wanted to work I did not have to, but I would rather have Daddy than money. My acting classes paid off I got cast in my first commercial for a water gun that I got to keep. I loved my new school, and we made a ton of new friends, I met a new boy in my acting class his name is Johnny, and he is loud and makes me laugh. Mommy does not like him at all, and she says he is a bad influence, I think she may be right, but he is my friend. The first person that I let get close to me since my dad died and that counts for something right?

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