Chapter 4

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This Chapter Contains Triggers. Please beware when reading it.

My Body molds to the leather couch. I feel my body completely relax. I hear Dr. Luke call my name.

"Riley, tell me what happened on your 21st birthday?" I can hear Dr. Luke faintly.

"Well, I was finally able to read the letter that dad wrote me. What I wanted to do was rip that fucking letter to pieces, but I was curious what was in it. Mom took it away the same day we got them so we would not read them. She put it in a safe deposit box at the bank. When I opened it I found a deed to brownstone house in Brooklyn. A bond for a tremendous amount of money to fix and furnish the home. The bond amount had tripled since it was first purchased. Jack got his letter three years before me, and I was quite jealous of his house. I didn't think I would get the same thing until I got my house which was two houses down from his and almost identical. I moved into my house six months later, and Johnny kept hinting that he wanted to move in, but I didn't give in. I needed my personal space.

 It was around the time I moved into my house that the closest thing to a father to me my Abuelo had a massive attack and passed away. He died while he watched Abuela the love of his life making dinner. She said he went quick and didn't suffer. I was beyond devastated all over again. I couldn't express myself, so I was quick to get angry and anxious all over again. I had a huge chip my shoulder and I would fight sometimes.

"You would fight?"

"Yes, I would. I remember one time we went out to dinner and a guy grabbed Ava's butt and I flashed on the guy. It took all my brothers to pull me off the guy. I took a lot of krav maga classes, and I was quite good at it. I could do damage if I wanted to. For some reason, Jack thinks that Johnny is the instigator of my fighting. Jack got to the point where he didn't like hanging out with Johnny, but I would still bring him along."

"Do you think he is the instigator to your fights?"

"Well, I guess so. Johnny has been there every time, and he eggs me on by saying things like you going to let him do that to ya BRO? I have a lot to lose now, and I am trying to control my anger which has been working."

"What are you doing to manage your anger?"

"I took some anger management classes. I burn off steam by working out a lot. It helps clear my head."

"Okay, Riley lets go over what happened over a year ago."

"Well, I just finished filming a movie I had a small role in and I was excited to be in the film. I was happy about how things were going for me and my career. Jack had moved his girlfriend, Kaylee Green into his house. They had been together for two years, and I was very happy for them. She is great for Jack. They balance each other out very well."

"Where you dating at the time?"

"I went on dates but nothing serious I never had a connection with any of the girls I dated. I think that I'm doomed to be a bachelor for the rest of my life. Girls see only the outward appearance, and that bothers me because they never bother to get to know the real me. I think that may be my fault I have a lot of walls up. Anyway, the girls have always been dingbats, I like girls that like to have intellectual conversations that do not start with like or umm.

My brother Jesse got engaged to his longtime girlfriend, Zoe. I still don't have the best relationship with my other siblings. Jesse asked Jack and me to be in his wedding. I wanted to say no but I knew that would cause problems and I didn't want to rock the boat. Our tuxedos got sent to his mother's house in Manhattan for safe keeping. I tried to take mine home, but Zoe flipped out and was scared that I would ruin it. So, I gave in and had it shipped to Julia's house instead. He wanted us to go for breakfast at his mother's so we could get ready together, and the photographer could get photos done of the guys and Ava. We had to be there at nine for breakfast I had never been there, never had a reason to.

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