Chapter 19

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The cab ride seemed like it lasted an eternity. I want to get my home and fast because I feel physically and emotionally drained. I have felt tired but never like this. The cab finally reaches my house, and I'm relieved and scared at the same time. I pay the cabbie and make a run for it.

I can hear my name called over and over again. I notice the clicks of cameras. Fuck! How do they know where I live this is my sanctuary. I fumble with my house keys and finally open the door. Once I'm inside I collapse on the couch with my arm over my eyes. My heart is hammering in my chest. Wow, this is going to be more challenging than I thought. I'm only going to rest for a little while, and I'll be on my way back. I close my eyes and drift to sleep.

I jerk awake to pounding on the door, and I freak out. Are the photogs that bold to knock on my fucking door? I grab my phone and holy shit I've asleep for over four hours. Shit! The pounding gets louder and louder. I check out the peephole and see Jack and Johnny on the other side.

"Hold on. I'm coming." I say.

"Open the fucking door," Johnny yells. What the fuck is his problem.

I begin to open the door for them. My hand is still on the door handle when the door is pushed hard into my hand full force. The side of the door strikes my shoulder. I grab my shoulder quickly. The pain is unreal, and I'm fucking pissed.

"What the fuck Johnny?!" I yell.

Without a word, Johnny lunges forward and punches me in the face. I didn't expect that at all, and I'm dazed. I feel blood trickling down my face from my nose once I see the blood, I lose my shit. I'm surprised that he hit me because he knows that I'm a trained fighter. I don't say shit to him. I move fast, and I hit him with such force that he lifted off his feet and knocked to the ground. I grab him up by the shirt and punch him again. He is trying to get away from me, and he's grunting and moaning in pain.

"Are you done!?" I yell in his face. I pull my fist back again.

"Yes!" He yells putting his hands in front of his face.

"That's what I thought," I say.

"God damn it! Stop fighting. Johnny that was not cool man. Not cool at all." Jack glares at Johnny.

Jack throws me a towel for my still bleeding nose. My eye is beginning to sting. He hands one to Johnny his nose is bleeding, and I split his lip pretty good. He spits blood on my floor pissing me off more.

"You knew I liked her and you fucking went after her. That's not cool!" Johnny yells.

"Look, Johnny, that was never my intention. It just happened, and we clicked. I'm sorry bro." I say.

"There is a code man!" Johnny yells again.

" I am the happiest I have been in a long time. Why are you trying to ruin it!?' I plead with Johnny.

'I want to be with her! Let me be with Ayana. Break up with her." Johnny says

"NO! Johnny, dude I am in love with her." My voice stutters. My words stop Johnny in his tracks. I'm stunned that I admitted it out loud especially to him.

"What? Are you crazy? Oh, wait that's right you are crazy! Riley, does she know that you're a nut case. That you tried to kill yourself last year? Did you tell her that BRO!!" Johnny screams.

I feel like the room is closing in on me. I feel panic coursing through me. I should have never told Johnny what happened to me.

"Get the fuck out of my house now!" I roar.

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