Chapter 1

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Maybe if I close my eyes tight enough and wish hard none of this will be true.

"Did you make a wish?" Mommy asks as I blow out my candles.

"If I tell you it won't come true," I tell her.

"You can tell me, and I can wish it with you Mijo."

I know mommy is hurting just as bad as Jack and I are. So, I decided that I will tell her.

"Okay, Mami, I wished that Daddy wasn't sick and that he would not die."

" Oh, honey I wish that every day, you and Jack will see Daddy tomorrow. We can celebrate your birthday again with Daddy. How does that sound?" I look at Jack, and he gives me that you better say yes or I 'll kick your ass look.

"That sounds nice," I'm lying through my teeth but whatever makes her happy.

Jack and I eat the cake in silence, and I open a few gifts from mama and a few from daddy. I know that mama bought them, but I'm still happy to get the gifts. It takes my mind off everything that is going on.


My dad has been sick for a year now with Stage 4 lung cancer. A few weeks ago, Mommy told us that his medicines that were supposed to make him better where making him sicker. She explained that he would stop all treatment and that meant that he would die. She said that daddy told her that the doctor said he had at least six weeks to live. I think I cried harder that day than I have ever cried in all my ten years. Jack is trying to be strong, but when we first visited Daddy when he got switched to hospice care, Jack had a tough time. Mommy said Jack had something called an anxiety attack and he passed out. Now he has to take a pill every time we visit with Daddy. Our Dad made Jack, and I promise never to smoke cigarettes. He was a heavy smoker. Daddy would smoke about three packs a day. I don't think I remember a time when he wasn't smoking or didn't smell of smoke. I loved him so much, so that didn't matter to me. I had I know that smoking would take him away I would have thrown them away or hidden them from him. What do I know I'm just a kid.


Today we get to visit Daddy. Mommy gives Jack his pill an hour before we head out. I have a sick feeling in my tummy, and I am scared that this may be the last time I see him alive. They said six weeks, and it has only been four. We still have time right? Ten years is not enough time to spend with your hero. I sit quietly on the couch in my with Jack and think about daddy and wait for Mommy. Jack is in his head I know he is thinking the same things I am.

"Are you ready to go, Riley and Jack," Mommy asks.

"Yes." We both say as we grab our backpacks and place our baseball caps on our heads. We head out the door with Mommy.

We get in a cab that is waiting, and Mommy tells us that Daddy is not eating well, so she wants to buy him his favorite chocolate milkshake at our favorite diner. We get to the diner and Mommy orders the shake and cokes for Jack and me.

"You have beautiful eyes." The lady behind the counter says.

"What do you say Mijo," Mommy says.

"Thank you," I say looking down at my feet. I'm no good at taking compliments it makes me feel uncomfortable.

We are only a block from the hospital, so we decide to walk the rest of the way. Jack is telling us about a party that he got invited to, he thinks he's so cool because he is in Junior High and girl crazy. When he gets nervous, he rambles, and that is precisely what he's doing. We get to the hospital, and my nerves are going crazy, but I try to stay quiet. I have a massive lump in my throat, and my heart is beating hard in my chest. Don't cry, Riley. Be strong for Mama and Jack. We go into the elevator, and I push the button for the eleventh floor.

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