Chapter 17

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I wake up feeling refreshed. I needed that nap. I thought that I was burning the candle at both ends. I grab my phone and see if Ayana texted or called me back. There was nothing. I look at the time, and it's already five thirty. I decide to call her again, and it goes directly to voicemail.

"Hi, Babe, just wanted to see if you wanted to come over before dinner with Mama. I know she is excited to meet you. Please call me."

There is a knock at my front door. I get up from my bed and throw on a pair of basketball shorts and a shirt. I am hoping that it is Ayana but it's not, Jack, Kaylee and Mama are at the front door.

"Mami!" I greet her with a hug and a kiss." You didn't bring Abuela?"

"Hola, Mi Amor!" Mama says. "No, she wasn't feeling well. She has a bit of a cold."

"Oh man," I say bummed. I wanted Abuela to meet Ayana too. "When she feels better I want her to meet Ayana. Maybe at Abuela's birthday dinner next week."

"Ri, have you called Ayana,?" Kaylee asks me.

"Yeah a few times and texted her too but no answer."

"Me too. I am getting worried," Kaylee says. "It's not like her not to answer or text back."

"I know I am too. Ayana doesn't know the city," I say as my phone starts to ring. I look at the caller ID hoping it's her, but it's Tony. Shit, what does he want now? Maybe he found out I wasn't at the party. "Hello?"

"Where the fuck is your girlfriend? She never showed. I am on a deadline!" Tony yells into the phone. My heart is in my throat, and my anxiety is revving up.

"Woah. What the fuck Tony, I thought she was with you! She left a note saying that you sent a car!" I scream on the phone.

"Car company called last minute to cancel. I asked her to take the subway." He says like it's no big deal and I am livid and in panic mode.

"Are you fucking stupid or something! You sent a young girl alone on the subway. She doesn't know the city! She had all her gear with her." I yell making everyone in the house jump.

"What's wrong?" Kaylee asks panicked grabbing onto my arm. I put my hand over my phone.

"Tony made her take the fucking train!" I answered trying not to scream at her.

"Maybe she got lost on the train?" Tony say to me.

"Please shut your fucking trap, Tony!" I yell. I look at up and see my mama's disapproving glare. "Sorry, Mami."

"Just calm down, Riley!" Tony says. Kaylee's phone begins to ring, and she shows me the screen. My heart is in my throat. It says: "Mama Vasquez." Ayana's mom is calling her. My stomach is in knots looking Kaylee answer her phone.

"Hello?" Kaylee says. I am pacing back and forth in my kitchen. All the while Tony is yapping and yapping on the phone still, and I have tuned him out. "Oh my God, what hospital did they take her to?" I feel like I am going to be sick. My face is burning hot. I grip my phone so tight that swear I hear a crack.


"Okay, Riley, Ayana is at St Luke's she got attacked on the subway!" Kaylee says through tears and sobbing.

"Oh my GOD! Is she ok? Please tell me she's okay!" I say freaking out.

"They would not tell Mrs. Vasquez any information over the phone."

"I need to get to her now!" I say with a shaky voice.

"Okay, let's go!" Kaylee says.

"Take my car," Mama says while hugging me tightly she grabs my face. "I love you calm down, Mijo."

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