Chapter 14

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Fuck, estupido!! My ears!" Jack yells. 

"I'm sorry. I'm not stupid! Fuck man!" I say. 

"Relax, she called and man she was livid. I tried to explain everything she seemed okay after that, but she needs to hear it from your mouth hermanito."

"Oh, man Jack thanks for talking to her. I'm going over to talk to her. I am going pound Tony's fucking fat face." 

"Take a deep breath, and it will be fine. Just go and talk to Ayana. Leave Tony alone for now." He hangs up. 

Everyone in the room has their eyes are on me for my outburst on the phone. I could care less what they think. I grab the flowers for Ayana and Jess from Doña Rosa. I thank her with a hug and a kiss. I run, and I find Jess and hand her the flowers I got for her. She hugs and thanks me. Jess looks at me with sympathetic eyes.

"Did you know that Tony talked to Ayana?" I ask her.

"I'm sorry Riley. I freaked out earlier, and I spoke to Tony. I didn't know he was going to talk to her."

"Well, he did. Now I have to fix this shit before I lose Ayana."

"I'm sorry, Ri." She says. I look at her and walk out.

I head into the elevator, and I frantically push the button. The doors open and it goes down super slowly. I am super impatient, but I need to get to Ayana fast to sort this whole mess out. I make it out of the building and onto the sidewalk. I look up and see Tony. My blood begins to boil when I look at his face. I want to hurt him. I hear Dr. Luke in the back of my head. Take a deep breath Riley, is this worth all your progress. Fucking Dr. Luke.

"What the fuck is your problem, Tony!" Why did you tell Ayana that Jess is my girlfriend!!" I yell at him. I am toe to toe with him. His head comes to my chin he looks up at me. I can tell I took him off guard. 

"I'm only looking out for you my boy. I know you value your privacy." 

" I understand that, but this is my real life you are trying to fuck with!" 

"It's not just you sweet boy think of Jess." 

"I'm fucking tired of everyone telling me to think of this person or think of that person! WHAT ABOUT ME!" I point to myself. 

"Riley, I'm sorry I am just looking out for you." 

"Whatever you tell yourself to sleep at night. I am going to see her right now." I say as I start to walk away. 

"You're so fucking stubborn! Wait I will walk you over." He huffs and narrows his eyes at me. 

"Do what you want, but know this you are not changing my mind."

We walk over in complete silence. I am so scared that this thing that Ayana and I have will be over even before it had a chance to begin. We enter the venue door, and heart feels like it is going to explode. I am beyond anxious, and I am trying to remain calm. We get in the elevator to the top floor. I begin to nervously click the heel of my grey winged tip shoes on the linoleum floor. I get a dirty look from Tony which I return right back. The doors open and we begin to walk out. Tony places his hand on my chest to stop me from walking. 

"Wait here I'll clear the room out." He says. 

Tony walks into a room towards the back of the hall. I see people begin to step out and head to another room. He motions me over with a hand wave. I walk down the corridor my shoes echoing loudly in the empty hall are matching the pounding in my chest. I reach the door and stand there staring at it. I take a deep breath, and I open the door slowly. The sight of her takes my breath away. I am at a loss for words. I stand and gawk at her like an idiot my mouth goes completely dry

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