Chapter 15

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The movie ends, and I sit there in awe of the final product, and I'm proud of myself. Through the whole film I could not stop thinking about how it should be Ayana sitting next to me and not Jessica. I wanted her experiencing this epic moment with me. The credits roll, and the lights come up to loud clapping and cheering. I look up and see Ayana slipping out the exit door making me feel a bit sad. We stand up and wave at everyone, and a microphone is thrust into my hand. I'm not prepared for this at all. Damn Tony.

"Thank you, everyone, for coming out tonight. We appreciate all the love and support." I passed the microphone back to Tony quickly.

I grab Jessica's hand and walk out with her quickly. We meet up with Jack and Kaylee at the front of the venue. Jack see me and has a massive smile on his face. He comes up to me and hugs me tightly. 

"I am so proud of you! You did it baby brother!" he says with his hand on my cheek he has become very choked up. 

"Thank You so much for everything Jack. I mean everything. I Love you, big brother." I have become very choked up too.

A year ago I could have died and look at where I am today. I wipe the tears from my eyes as Kaylee comes up and hugs both of us. It makes me feel more emotional and more tears falls down my face. These two have been with me every step of the way, and I love them more than words could say. She wipes her tears and Jack's too. 

"Where's Ayana," Kaylee asks

"She went home," I say looking down at my feet. I'm disappointed that she is n't here.

"How are you feeling about that?" Jack asks. 

"It sucks, I want to be with her. I want her here with me."

"Then go be with her!" Jess says happily. 

"Yeah, okay, so Tony Can have my balls." 

"Here's what you do, we go to the limo we make sure Tony sees you get in the said limo. We drop you at your car, and you be with Ayana. Tony will think you went to the party!" Jack says pleased with his plan. 

"Wow, Jack, that is some plan, and it may just work! I don't want to bail on you guys either though." 

"Riley, we'll be fine. I know that I will have a blast with these two." Jess says as she motions to Jack and Kaylee. 

"Thanks, guys this means the world to me," I say.

We walk to the long line of limos. What luck we see Tony near the limos. We make eye contact, and I wave at him while I get in the limo. I am so glad that he saw me get into the limo he will think I am actually at the party! He never goes to the parties he hates all the noise, so he won't know if I'm not there. We have the driver go around the garage where my car is parked. I get out and hand my ticket to the valet, and he runs off to get my car.

"Careful with my car. That car is my baby," I say with a smile.

"Yes, sir," He yells back at me. I take my phone out of my pocket and dial Joya.

"Mr. Rala, it's Riley. Can I make an order for pick up please?' 

"Of Course. What can I get you."? He says. I place my order just as the valet comes out with my car I tip the guy and get in my car. 

I start to drive towards the direction on Joya. I decide to stop at a store that sells every movie you can think I go in and pick out a couple that I hope that .she 'll like. I head over to Joya, Mrs. Rala is ready and waiting for me. I start to take my wallet out of the suit jacket, and she stops me by placing her tiny hand over my arm. 

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