Chapter 16

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I look at the now open window, and I look back at Kaylee who can't contain her laughter. I roll my eyes at Kaylee, and then I smile at her. I can't believe that I am about to do this. I know if Johnny finds out about Ayana and I he will flip is a gasket. He doesn't know how to not be a dick head even to his friends. I begin to climb out, and Kaylee starts to laugh hysterically. 

"Yeah, yeah very funny Kaylee." 

"Ri, wait for your stuff she throws down my keys, wallet, and glasses. Wait where are your pants." 

"There in the hallway. Fuck my jacket is there too."

"Don't worry! Just go!"

I run through the back of the next door neighbors house. Luckily they are never home to see me running in my underwear. I finally reach my back door, and I take out my key and open it up. I run into my bathroom and take a two-minute shower. I throw and some sweat pants and run over as fast as I can. I take the steps two at a time over to and knock on the door. Ayana opens the door, and she looks at me in complete utter shock, and I laugh.

"Good morning, Ayana." I laugh.

"What the fuck! How did you get out there?" She whispers.

"I jumped out the window. Are you going to let me in?" I smile at her.

"Oh, of course." She laughs, and I walk in behind her. I smack her on the bottom before I fully enter the room and she jumps and laughs. "Baby, stop he'll see."

"Nice hickey babe," I whisper in her ear. She swats my arm and adjusts hoodie to hide it.

"Hey, Riley I took your phone on accident last night," Jack says. As he hands it to me, he winks. Thank God!

"Thanks, Bro, sorry Johnny I was past out cold. I didn't hear you knocking. I had too much to drink last night.

"I thought you don't drink hard stuff since your accident last year?" He says. I freeze on the spot — fucking dick.

"He was celebrating his movie and our big announcement," Jack says saving me. Damn Jack saved my ass twice in the span of a few minutes.

"What big announcement? Johnny asks.

"Well, Kaylee and I are expecting a baby."

"Wow, that's great! Hey, Riley are we still on?"

"Yeah just let me change my clothes. I'll be right back." I run back to my house and change quickly into a pair of Joggers, t-shirt and my trusty converse without tying them. I don't want to leave Johnny with Ayana longer than needed. I send a text to Jess.

Me- Go to Jack's

Jess-Okay, be there in a few.

I walk back into Jack's, and he and Johnny are in the kitchen. Ayana is on the couch looking at her phone. She looks up, and I wink and blow her a quick kiss making her smile. I walk in the kitchen and join the guys to see what they are talking about. I look over at Johnny who is studying me close with a scowl on his face.

"Riley you have a fucking hickey on your neck." He says as turns my head from my chin. "You have more than one? How the fuck am I going to take close-ups of you?"

"Don't do close-ups." Jack laughs.

"This shit isn't funny. I only get paid if the photos are usable." Johnny whines. There is a knock at the door and Ayana goes to answer. I hear Jessica at the door.

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