Chapter 2

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We finish our breakfast and stay downstairs to let mommy sleep. We watch Rugrats and lie on the couch. We usually crack up at the antics of the babies, but we sit quiet as can be. Mommy finally comes down and lies down with us. She smothers our faces with kisses. There is a knock at the door, it's a driver, and he says that he was told to pick us up and take us to Daddy's office. We get dressed and go with him.

We go outside, and there is an amazing Jaguar waiting for us. Wow is all I can think whoever sent this is so rich. I look at Jack, and his eyes are beaming he loves Jags. We get in, and the driver takes us to daddy's office the ride was terrific.

"Whose car is this?" Jack asks the driver.

"It's Mr. Ryan's, "he answers looking at the rode.

"Excuse me? I think you're mistaken. Paul didn't like flashy cars." Mommy says.

"Ma'am all I know is that I was asked to come and get you by Mr. Ryan?"

We all look at each other very confused. Mama puts her finger to lips letting us know to stop talking. He pulls over and opens the door for us. He ushers us into a large conference room.

When we get there the kids from the hospital are there with their mother, there is also an older couple sitting on the other side of the room. The old man tells us to sit down. Mama nods and motions for us to sit down as well. The older woman keeps staring at me and puts her hand over mouth.

"We are doing this quickly because that is what Paul had requested." The old man says. A younger man in a suit comes and sits in front of us. It strikes how much this guy looks like daddy.

"We are here for the last will of Paul Jackson Soriano Ryan," The young man says. "For those who do not know I am Mario Ryan."

Jack and I look at each other and it dawns on us he is daddy's brother. My mom's looks shocked.

He hands letters to all the children one by one. My note says Riley David Santiago Ryan-to be read at your 21st birthday it is written in Dad's writing. Jack's letter says the same thing but with his name Jackson Diego Santiago Ryan. They begin to talk, and I do not understand a word of it. I hear my Mommy start to say something.

"Wait, what? Please repeat that. " She says.

"Yes ma'am, all monetary assets such homes and monies will go to Julia, Jesse, Paul, and Ava Ryan." He repeats.

"What about my boys?" Mommy asks. I look between Mommy and the man.

"Sorry they are not mentioned," he says. He looks down at the desk not wanting to make eye contact with us.

"What does that mean?" Jack asks.

"It means that your daddy didn't leave you and Riley anything," Mommy says. Her voice sounds so sad and defeated that it makes my eyes water, but I try to fight back the tears. I hate seeing my mama hurting so much.

"The home that you currently reside in is on the list as well. The home will go to Julia."

"The fuck it will! We bought that house together I put a lot of my money into it."

I've never heard mama cuss, and I look at her astonished, I like it.

"It was only in his name, so it goes to Julia, you have thirty days to vacate the home."

"Where do you expect me and the boys to go?" Mommy yells. "I worked my ass off to buy that house!"

"Not my problem," Julia says smiling. Mama looks her square in the face and flips this crazy woman off. I look at Jack, and he is trying not to laugh.

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