Chapter 19

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The day seemed to drag by. I was ready to speak with my parents and discuss if I was able to make plans with Tristen. Mostly on my mind was the joy of just talking to him on the phone again. If I had led the life of an normal female teenager, then I would have been able to text Tristen and express my thoughts through messaging. I knew I would be so much more comfortable with that method. However speaking on the phone made it so much more real. To hear his voice made it more official that he was existent and he gave me so many different emotions inside my body. My heart turned into butterflies, and my body went limp with each word he spoke. Sadly to say, but I knew all of this would have developed with any guy that showed interest in me. It was just the thrill of the first time, like the first time riding my bike on my own.

I could only recall having one crush on a boy. That was my first year in middle school. He had transferred from another school, and my teacher asked me to show him around and show him where his classes was. I was hesitant at first. Then he flashed me an appreciative smile, so I felt a little more comfortable. When class was over the guys huddled around him asking him questions. I was about to walk away, when he excused himself, and whistled a loud tone to get my attention. The sad part was that guys at our school always whistled at each other or to some of the girls. and I knew I was not the attention they was seeking, so I never looked back. I was about to do the same thing, but he caught up with me before I could get to my next class.

I am not sure if he was desperate for a guide or if he wanted a reputation for being friendly to everyone, whatever the reason he was ready for my assistance. He was surprisingly polite, and he offered to tell me all about himself. We walked down the halls and everyone gave us suspicious looks. We only had a short time between classes, so I walked him to his next class that just so happen to be my class as well. We walked in together and he chose to sit by me. I knew that was a mistake.

After everyone was seated he was greeted by the other students and was distracted from me. I could hear the other students whispering to him after the teacher started the lesson. I heard my name a few times, but unable to make out all of the conservation. After class was over, I didn't bother to offer my help. I wasn't surprised that he did not catch up with me either. I went to my locker and switched out my text books, and I went to close my locker door, and there he was. I was startled and gasped loudly. He started laughing. I gave him an annoyed look. Why was he still following me? He handed me his schedule and I realized quickly what the reason was. He had trouble reading. All of his classes was with mine, for me to help him. He was sticking with me like glue. He was comfortable with my knowing, and knew I would keep it to myself because no one socialized with me.

He was at my side for everything the first day. For the first time in years I even had a lunch companion. He made me laugh, and talked about silly experiences he had. I was guarded but unable not to control a small crush forming.

That was only for a week. After that he had developed a routine, and went on his own. He still sat by me in classes, but only for help or to ask an answer. I grew annoyed with him very fast.

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