Chapter 21

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Dad was reading the newspaper and also watching the news on television. He was captivated by some article in the newspaper because as he lowered the newspaper to turn a page was when he discovered I had came to join him. He stuck his tongue out at me and went back to whatever he was reading.

The news was not interesting to me, so I decided to look for my mom. I went into the kitchen to see if she had decided to surprise us with a dessert, but I found her on the phone. I was going to place a bet to guess it was Aunt Trudy on the other end. She appeared deep in conversation so I decided to go to my room for a little while. I left my door open to make sure I could still hear the phone ring.

I was a little worried to what Tristen's response to my parents invitation to dinner would be. I hoped it would not intimidate him into backing out of his own date plan.

I knew I should be thinking of what to wear. I wanted to be prepared and not rushed. I would have to also have hair and make up to attend to.

I opened up my closet, yet again. I knew my parents would dress nicely, and also expect something appropriate on myself as well. I shifted through my clothing choices for a dress. I pulled out a yellow sun dress with big, bright pink flowers. I knew to be conservative, so I found a blue denim jacket to wear over it. I hung it on the back of my bedroom door where my robe usually hung. I went back to my closet and looked through my shoes. I moaned with discomfort from my sunburn bending down to decide on a pair. I chose a small heel dress shoes. They was pink like the flower color on the dress. I pulled them out and sat them on my shelf to my television entertainment center. The non organization made me think of my uncoordinated bedroom.

I really wish I had more of a decorated bedroom. I could work on that as my next project. It was still plain and simple like the old Daisy. I knew that Tristen and I would not be in my room alone tomorrow regardless. I had time to call Aunt Trudy and ask her what to do with my bedroom. She always had Brittany's of the latest trends. She always knew anyways due to her interior design occupation.

My mother had never allowed Aunt Trudy to decorate our home. Aunt Trudy always volunteered to do it for free. My mother always declined and said she had her own sense of style and she did not care what the latest design was. She appreciated the thought but design changed so frequently she would have a hard time keeping up.

I was certain my mother would not mind my room getting spruced up a little. She always commented that it needed a more age appropriate look to it. I had not changed much of anything in it since childhood. Really I had just added to it.

I started picking up here and there to give it a more polished look. I gave up within minutes because I had no idea what to do with it, and I had no stylish items to add to it.

I decided to go back to the family room with my father. I was so excited that I could hardly contain myself. I tried watching the news but I needed to be moving around to burn off some of my excitement.

I went back to the kitchen where my mother was still. I decided to get me a fruit cup and eavesdrop briefly.

My mother did not say too much in my presence about my upcoming date decision. I hurriedly along with my fruit cup so she could speak freely again.

I had no idea what to do with myself. The sun was going down so I decided I would be safe enough to sit outside and watch it settle. I eased myself onto the porch swing and tried to relax.

I could only imagine Tristen sitting here with me. His arm resting on my shoulders. We would be lightly swinging, and listening to the outdoor noises. I closed my eyes and imagined the peace and tranquil evening. My thought process began to worry. What happens if he thinks my house is too poorish? I always thought we had a rather updated home. It was in one of the best neighborhood suburbs, or at least for this area. My mother did a lot of gardening with flowers and shrubs.

I could feel my eyes getting heavy with all the thinking and worrying I had been doing. My mother come outside just in time of my dozing off.

"Guess who?" She asked smirking and handing me the phone. The butterflies in my stomach was about to carry me away.

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