Chapter Eight

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I would like to apologize in advance for the swear words in this chapter


I sit at the café with Sofie to my left, Liam across from me, and Mason across from her. They're all talking about Sofie's math class, but I haven't said one word to any of them since we got here.

I stuff some more French fries in my mouth, glaring at my plate so intently that if I had superpowers, it would probably melt.

"So Savannah, how are your classes going?" Mason tries to include me in the conversation.

"They're dandy." I grumble.

"Okay..." he trails off.

I say nothing else, but I feel Liam's eyes on me.

Finally, he breaks the silence.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm wonderful." I respond bitterly.

Him and Sofie are like a cult!

And then it clicks.

Liam broke up with Maria because he has a thing with Sofie.

Seriously? Sofie? She's like, one of my best friends!

Liam and Sofie?

No. I won't allow it.

And why haven't they told me?

They probably think I won't approve, but they're right.

I don't want Liam dating Sofie! I don't...I don't want Liam dating anyone!

Liam is my best friend. He can't date anybody else! Who is going to force me to get out of bed? Who is going to crack horrible jokes that make me laugh anyways, even when I'm at my worst? Who is going to help me fix my car and be there when I get nervous?

How the hell did this happen?

And why didn't they tell me?

I stand up abruptly, grabbing my plate and marching to the trash.

I dump the rest of my food and go stomping out of the café, so angry that if one person says anything to me, I just might punch them.

I storm off towards the dorms, well aware of the footsteps behind me.

"Savannah!" Liam grabs my wrist and forces me to a stop.

I spin around so fast, ripping my hand from his grasp.

"Don't touch me." I snap.

"What's wrong?" he asks. "Why are you angry?"

"Are you and Sofie a thing?" I put one hand on my hip and gesture with my other one between the two of them.

"Wait, what?" Sofie laughs. "Are we a thing? As in are we like, dating?"

"Uh, that's what I said, yeah." I snap at her.

Sofie just looks at Liam and puts her hands up.

"We're not a thing, Savannah, why would you think that? And quite frankly, why do you care?" Liam sighs.

Oh he's joking, right?

"Why would I think that? You two are like a cult! I used her phone to text you earlier and I clearly saw her text you telling you that I know you were lying about Maria! I'm not a dumbass, Liam, and I see right through your bullshit!"

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