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The teachings of Martin Luther echo in my mind, reminding me of the true path to salvation in God's eyes. I find solace in knowing that I answer only to Him, for I will never kneel before the corrupt figure of the Pope. The entrenched corruption within the Catholic Church condemns souls to damnation, yet I am resolute in my mission to cleanse England of this blight.

The Church of England, a beacon of hope and renewal, stands as a testament to our faith and independence from papal tyranny. Though branded a heretic by Catholics, I am steadfast in my belief that I am fulfilling God's will by purging England's shores of Catholic influence.

As I mourn the loss of my son Henry Fitzroy and seek justice for his untimely death, I cannot ignore the anguish of his widow, Mary Howard. Her suffering is a testament to the cruel hand of fate, yet I trust in God's plan, even amidst such misfortune.

In the quiet solitude of Christmastide, I offer prayers for the Marquess of Pembroke to bear a son, one who will carry on my legacy and fulfill my father's aspirations for England. With unwavering faith, I entrust Anne Boleyn with the hope of providing me with a son, believing that God's grace will shine upon her and bless us with the child we so fervently desire.

 With unwavering faith, I entrust Anne Boleyn with the hope of providing me with a son, believing that God's grace will shine upon her and bless us with the child we so fervently desire

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The world has fallen silent in its multitude, as if mourning the neglected souls who have been laid to rest. Amidst the court's revelry, I find no joy in the performance of life. The courtiers clamor for my favor, but I am reluctant to bestow it upon those who have long enjoyed its benefits. The world grows ever more selfish, consumed by greed that tarnishes the very essence of character.

In the solitude of my contemplation, I seek penance, yearning for the catharsis of confession. Yet, comfort eludes me, for God's solace is rarely granted to those who grieve. My heart aches for my son Henry Fitzroy, whose memory weighs heavily upon me, though tears no longer come to ease my sorrow.

As I sit in the dimness of my chamber, a knock interrupts my solitude, a persistent reminder of the world beyond my grief. Lady Mary, unexpected yet welcome, enters with a grace reminiscent of her mother. Her presence brings a flicker of light to the shadows, and for a moment, I am drawn to her warmth and compassion.

Her words, though rehearsed, offer a semblance of comfort, urging me to look to the future rather than dwell on the past. Yet, beneath her gentle demeanor lies a hunger for power, a reminder of the treachery that poisons the throne of England.

With the dawn of the new year, I reluctantly emerge from my seclusion, returning to court with Mary Tudor by my side. Rumors swirl around me, whispers of the king's illness and the tangled web of intrigue that surrounds us.

As I make the journey to Whitehall, I cannot help but wonder what the future holds. Will Anne rise to her duties as queen, or will she falter under the weight of expectation? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: I will not fail.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭𝓼 𝓞𝓯 𝓘𝓷𝓷𝓸𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮Where stories live. Discover now