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The looming presence of the axe hangs heavy in my mind, a symbol of impending doom. I can feel its weight, ready to descend and sever the lifeline coursing through my veins. Inevitably, my head will meet the cold, hard surface of the chopping block, joining the ranks of those deemed traitors, their heads impaled as warnings to others. Flesh yields to decay, leaving behind only stark bones as evidence of existence, soon to crumble to dust, a fleeting memory destined to be replaced by another unfortunate soul meeting the same fate.

Amidst these thoughts swirls a sense of urgency, a pressing need to act before it's too late. Lady Mary's safety hangs in the balance, her very existence threatened by the machinations of power-hungry forces. To deny their demands would be to condemn her to a fate worse than death—a mortal sin that jeopardizes her eternal soul. I cannot bear the thought of her damnation, and so I resolve to make her my wife, a decision fraught with both peril and hope.

For in marrying her, not only do I ensure her protection under the mantle of Spain, but I also secure a strategic alliance that even the Holy Roman Emperor cannot ignore. It is a marriage blessed by divine providence, a union ordained by God Himself to bring solace and love to a woman deserving of both. I pledge to give her not only my name and lineage but also my unwavering loyalty and devotion, knowing that in doing so, I secure my place in Heaven's embrace.

Yet, even as I steel myself for the trials ahead, there is a bitter taste of accomplishment in my mouth. I know that God will grant me the strength to fulfill my duties as a husband, but the path ahead is fraught with danger and uncertainty. Time is of the essence as we stand before the altar, exchanging vows that bind us together for eternity. There is no time for elaborate displays of affection; only the urgent need to escape the clutches of those who would seek to tear us apart.

As we flee into the night, shadows lurk ominously behind us, a constant reminder of the perilous journey we undertake. Mary clings to my hand, her trust in me unwavering as we leave behind the trappings of our former lives. In her eyes, I see a reflection of my own fears and hopes, a silent acknowledgment of the sacrifices we make for love and freedom.

And so, as we board the ship bound for Spain, I am filled with a sense of both trepidation and anticipation. For it is here, in this new land, that we will forge a future together, free from the shackles of our past. With each passing moment, I am reminded of the precious gift that God has bestowed upon us, a chance to start anew and build a life worthy of His grace.

As the shores of England fade into the distance, I offer a silent prayer of gratitude, knowing that we have embarked on a journey that will test our resolve and faith. But with God's guidance, I am confident that we will weather whatever storms may come our way, united in our love and devotion to each other. And so, with hearts full of hope and determination, we set sail towards our destiny, ready to embrace whatever the future may hold.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭𝓼 𝓞𝓯 𝓘𝓷𝓷𝓸𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮Where stories live. Discover now