Love like you never been loved

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Mark sat down for his breakfast, when lexie walked in a bit flushed. 'Mark..' she said, 'I...I..I 'm pregnant..' Mark smiled but asked carefully: ' is this happy news, or terrible news?' I..I..I don't know' stuttered Lexie again. 'Well, we can get throw whatever we choose, we will stand together!' : Mark said while hiding the smile in his voice. Lexie calmed down a bit and sat down ' so.. what now' sighed Lexie. ' How about going to Addison, and see how far youre along' suggested mark. ' uh yeah but uhm i..i..i don't want the whole hospital to know yet, i want to tell Meredith first' ' Yea yea lex sure thing ' said Mark with the biggest smile, Lexie had ever seen, ' i love you, lex, you know, like realy love you' said Mark a bit insecure. Lexie's blush grew all around her face and said; ' oh my.. Mark i love you so much more!, but i was never over you, never.., Alex was a fase, like Julia was for you, and oh Mark im so glad we survived all this shit because i do i do really love you, and i wouldnt survive all of this crap without you..' Mark started crying and stood up, got down on one knee, while stuttering and crying, he asked throw his teers : ' Alexandra Caroline Grey, do you want to be my beloved wife, for infinite...? ' YES.. YES I DO' Lexie had tears streaming down her face of happiness! they hugged each other for a long time and than Lexie stood up and said:' i havee to tel Mer!' okay okay dont wait to long its worktime in 20 minutes, fiancé, they smiled at each other and walked away.

' MER, MER, MER' shouted lexie throw the phone. ' MARK PROPOSED ': now screaming of joy, she made tiny little sqeeucks. ' omygod lexie congratulations, im so happy for you, aw my little sister.. engaged! im real happy for you': sounded from the other side of the line. ' but Lex im on call, soo have to go now see you in 20' Lexie and Meredith both hang up, Lexie put some easy clothes on and walked into the living room, were a tiny little box was laying, she knew directly what that was, ' a ring' ' ah hey Lex' : Mark said walking in topless. ' i almost forget this one, its my moms engagement ring, and now its your, may it go all throw the grey sloan family' Lexie started crying, and said : ohmygod.. Mark this is just wow.. i ..i .. i love you so much mark. ' i know you do ' said mark grinning. Lexie laughed and walked to the door, ' come here pretty boy, time for work'

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