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' Listen up people there's an incoming trauma 10 minutes out, page every neuro surgent in this hospital, there will be a lot head trauma's' said Chief Owen Hunt. ' Whats the cause?' asked Andria Widdington ' An car stood still on the train rails and they crashed' some people shivered, that means a lot of people and they all knew that. Calle and Derek were sitting in the back on the stairs, ' where's Mark?' hissed Derek. ' I dont know, but im scared, he hasn't out his feelings yet, and im scared he's gonna out them having multiple sexual partners a day' answered Callie softly back, ' I'm scared for that to..'

' Dr.Shephard in the house' a lot of people looked around, cause it wasn't Derek's usual voice, it wss a female voice, Meredith shot uo by that sentence.. Amelia is here.

' Amy' ' Derek' ' i brought a friend with me' said Amelia but with a grin that says WAR. Addison Forbes Montgomery came walking out the door, Derek sighed and looked at Amelia ' was this necessary?' asked Derek. ' she doezn't know about Lexie yet'

' Meredith, Derek, how have you beeen?' Addison could not help but notice Meredith's puffy eyes. ' We need to tell you something' Meredith sighed a little ' you knew we were in a plane crash, 5 months ago right?' 'yes' she answered quickly but curious, ' Well as you knew we all survived' ' but a week and a half ago, died Lexie' Meredith now had tears in her eyes, slowly dripping down her cheecks, ' oh boy oh boy, Mark.. and their daughter.. whats her name?' ' Lexie Calioppe Meredith Grey Sloan' answered Meredith a little bit proud but teary, ' that fits strong names from stromg women for a strong girl' they al smiled, but everyone had tears in there eyes, which slowly dripped on their cheecks. ' im so sorryy for your loss guys' Addison said, ' your strong Meredith, you can fight this' Meredith looked up and thought, the same as Addison thought, there hate towards each othrr because of one man, can go away now,

Dr. Shephard we need you, Addison and Meredith followed Derek and Dr. Widdington, The paramedic started talking very quickly ' Female, around 26 weeks pregnant, wound to the head, and a lot of broken bones' Derek shined a lamp in Jane Doe's eyes, ' Blown pupiles call an OR, page Dr. Torres and the besy OBGYN you can find' the nurse shakingly answered ' there is no obgyn on call' ' ill do it, im not a surgent here but i am a board sertified surgent' Alright Derek Meredith and Addison ran to an elavator en quickly drove to an OR

Cut her open right now, BP is dropping, stats are low, PAGE DR,YANG AND DR ALTMAN.

i can close her brain now said Derek, ive controlled all the bleeds, but then the machines all beeped, ' Addison,its the baby' ' alright the baby can't stay in there she hss to be born pre-mature, call ICU that were coming with a pre-mature, i have to preform a C-Section' ' Scalpel' ' you okay in here, cause ive got paged' ' sure go, Dr. Grey and i will handle this' Derek stil looked worried, his wife and ex wife working together, god he has bigger things to worry about, they have bigger things to worry about sighed Derek. Adisson smiled at Meredith, it was a meningfull smile, a soft smile, a real smile.

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