Goodday my dear

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Jo watched Alex snore a little while playing with her engagement ring, Alex got an text last night from Jackson that Mark and Lexie were engaged again, whom was sweet. Jo looked up at their kalender, a red heart on upcoming saturday, their wedding day. only two days to go and Jo didn't ask for brides maids yet, she really didn't know who she would ask.
She grabbed her phone and walked out of the bedroom, she dialed Stephanie's number ' Stephanie speaking' ' hey its Jo' ' Hey, whats up?' ' I have a question for you' ' What is it?' ' Will you be my made of honor?' Jo heard Stephanie laugh on the other side ' I was waiting for this question since he proposed, Yes ofcourse i want to' Jo laughed ' Who are the other brides maids?' ' I dont know, you, and i gues im going to call Leah' ' I knew your size so i bought you a dress already ' sighed Jo. ' Ill come by today, and fit it, you go and call Leah' Jo called Leah and Leah agreed happy.

' Morning' said Alex jawning ' What are you doing today?' asked Alex tired. they both got a week of before the wedding. ' Im going to have my last dress fitting and Steph and Leah to' ' Steph your maid of honor' asked Alex still jawning. ' Yeah, Who's yours?' ' Jackson' They finished their breakfast. Jo showered quickly and drove off to the dress shop were she met Steph and Leah. ' Hey girl, how is life' asked Jo who hugged Leah tight ' I work in a private clinic close by'.

Jo fitted her wedding dress one last time and nodded ' its the one' Leah and Stephanie fitted their pink bridesmaids dresses. ' We look cute' laughed Leah.

Jo fixed her curled her drapped down her shoulders, Stephanie stood behind her, you look womderful.
April looked around the corner sneaky ' Its time' she said soft and left. Stephanie walked out first followed by Leah. Then Jo in her wonderful wedding dress. Everybody followed Jo, all of her friends, and co workers were here. She grabbed Alex hand and squeezed it. The priest raddled along about love and honesty, them they could read their vows.
Alex was first to go ' When i met you Jo, it was it.. you get me.. you get what ive been throw, you were my rock, i am your rock.. i just feel safe with you Jo.. your the love i never really had, your the one i want to stay with forever, i want to grow old with you, We have a love like no one else understands.. i love you Jo, i love everything about you' Jo wiped away a tear and started ' Alex.. where do i begin with describing my love for you? you were my Mentor.. stephanie kept warning me to not date you but i did, and im glad i didn't listen, i feel safe talking to you about everything, you are my shining star in a dark cold night' said Jo wiping away another tear.
' Alex Karev, do you Take Josephine Wilskm to be your loving wife till death do you apart ' ' I do'
' Josephine Wilson do you take Alex Karev to be your loving husband till death do you apart' ' i do'
' To seal this marriage, seal it with a kiss, Alex, you may kiss the bride' Alex grabbed Jo's hip and pulled her close, he kissed her passionate ' I present to you Mr and Mrs Alex and Jo Karev' Everyone clapped loud.

The party started right after the wedding, in my veins started playing as an sign for Jo and Alex to start their very first dance, Meredith and Derek joined the dance floor second, followed by Mark and Lexie, Jackson and April, Callie and Arizona, Cristina and Owen, Amelia and James, Leah and Stephanie because they both didnt find a date, the whole dance floor filled up with couples dancing and enjoying. Everyone was leaving slowly leaving Jo and Alex behind. They drove of to their house ' I had the most fun in my life' sighed Jo happy Alex grinned and grabbed her waist he lifted her on his shoulder and walked in the bedroom enjoying Jo laughing he threw her on the bed while kissing ' I love you Josephine'

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