how will we continue

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1 month later

'L..l...l..ex?' ' blink twice if you can here me dr. Grey' Lexie blinked twice and tried to talk, but only some weird squeecks came out ' Don't talk, just breathe' Mark said is a broken happy voice. 'm..m..mark' ' omygod Lex.' 'how long was i out?' ' ehm.. 1 month' ' we were in a crash weren't we' 'yes.'

'the baby?' ' well you had an angel on your shoulder the girl is in the ICU on an ventilator' ' how did she survive, i was crushed.. i am crushed' ' how did i survive?' ' did someone die, how are the injuries of the rest' ' Cristina had a lot problems with her shoulder, and she was in shock for 3 weeks or so, Arizona lost her leg, Derek has a lot of muscle damage and is stil recovering to 80% use, Meredith's leg recovered smoothly, and i.. i had internal bleeding, but as you see they fixed it' ' oh god... they are all so bad' ' Lex, you got it the worst, your legs were crushed, your left arm was crushed' Lexie started crying, could they save my legs and arm? she asked. ' yes they did but is mostly up to you to hos much use you could get it, your arm should get up to 95% but.. your legs are impossible to know lex..' she sighed heavy and said ; ' is it okay if i see our daughter now?' ' sure ill get her'

Mark left the room with a little sprint in his walk, Lexie laid her head back and sighed deep, she mumbeled quitly ; ' i survived a freaking plane crash i supposed i'd die in' she started crying, when Meredith came in, Meredith started crying ' oh Lex.. i m..m..issed you so much' '' said Lexie while she cried a little harder. ' how's Arizona handeling it' ' She is a bit better she tried to walk again but it hurts alot' Meredith said a little surprised.

they heard the sound of Mark's footsteps and a tiny babt crying. ' there's your daughter!' Meredith said and walked away.

' Hey Babygirl, you've got an angel on your shoulder, youre my angel.' ' lex, i need to tell you something' ' when the cut out the baby, some other place in your body got a major bleed, and it went wrong with cutting out, they had to.. cut out your ov..aries' Lexie already knew what was coming but still cried, so this is our only child,' ' we could use a surogate or adopt' but it wont be truly ours then, i will never feel the process, never give birth, never... she cried some more, but then Mark said, ' they found some little things of the place of the crash,' ' and what did rhey found' ' they found this' Mark pulled a little plastic bag out of his pocket and said, your engagement ring.

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