broken glass.

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' Hey lex you okay?' asked Meredith who walked up to a pale Lexie. Lexie opened her mouth but ran in the toilet, with Meredith following her. Meredith heard Lexie vommiting, ' Lex are you sick?' ' No i-i just a bit nauseaous' Meredith shook her head and looked in Lexie's eyes ' Your not just nauseaous, your pregnant' ' No way Meredith..' ' Did you had sex with him?' ' Yeah a week a go or so, oh yeah by the way that sister of Derek was mean yesterday' ' Ah Lex, Amelia isn't mean she just doesnt have a filter, now dont try and change the subject, were going to the pharmacy and buy you a test' Meredith grabbed Lexie's hand while listening to Lexie muttering ' I cant be pregnant, i have a two year old daughter whom i only know for 3 months' ' Calm down lex..'
They bought two tests and walked in the toilet ' This test shows how long your pregnant to Lexie' said Meredith soft. Lexie walked in a toilet and sat down, carefully peeing on the stick.
' So what now ?' sighed Lexie ' We wait' responded Meredith. ' Mark and i decided to call our daughet Alexis but her full name stays Alexandra' ' Thats a wonderful name lex' '

'i-i-i cant look Meredith.. i cant oh god here look' said Lexie pointing the stick at Meredith's direction.
Meredith looked at the stick and grinned ' Lex... your 12 weeks pregnant' Lexie looked up shocked ' that was the first time since i c-came back' stuttered Lexie. ' Lets find Addison and see if we can get an ultra sound' said Meredith comforting.

' I need an ultra sound' said Meredith stern at Addison ' Oh my god are your pregnant Meredith' ' Me? god no i wish' ' Who then ' aske Addison curious. ' Lexie' chuckeled Meredith soft recieving a slap of Lexie. ' Come with me' smiled Addison.
Lexie lay down on the table weak, Meredith held Lexie's hand awkwardly while watching addison put the ultra sound machine on Lexie's belly. .
' There it is, 5 toes, 2 feet, 2 hands, i can even see the sex if you want' ' i want to know' said Lexie shocked. ' Its a girl' smiled Addison at Lexie. ' Alexis is getting a sister' grinned Meredith at Lexie. Addison printed out a picture and handed it to Lexie. ' Dont tell Mark, im going to tell him tonight' Addison nodded understanding ' sure'.


' Hey lex you ready to head home' said Mark's sexy male voice behind Lexie. ' Yeah ready' smiled Lexie fake.
they jumped in the car and drove back to their appartment. Mark ordered chinese and poured some wine for Lexie and a beer for him. Lexie stared at her wine glass ' M-mark i cant' ' What? you dont get drunk from one glass' chuckled Mark. Lexie looked up ' m-mark im pregnant' Mark spat put his chinese food and looked up ' How far along' ' 12 weeks.. i took an ultra sound today and i know the sex' ' Whats the sex?' said Mark with a twinkle in his eyes ' Its a girl' Lexie put a piece of strawberry in Alexis mouth ' Im happy your pregnant' smiled Mark while eating his chinese. ' I guess i am to' smiled Lexie back. ' I sorta have a surprise for you, it was my plan to show you it tonight anyway.. this makes it even better' They threw their chinese boxes in the garbage and lifted Alexis up, they put her in the car seat and drove off.
They stopped in front of an beautifull white house ' Who lives here' said Lexie Amazed while lifting up Alexis,

' we'

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