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Arizona's face was pale and her jaw lay on the ground, ' what' asked Callie confused, they explained the whole story, Arizona and Callie looked confused not knowing what to say ' so you are really Lexie'

Lexie nodded with a weak smile, ' im not guessing you are her just for us' smiled Arizoma now, she walked out the room,

she came back in with a beautifull little girl in her arms, ' thanks for babysitting' nodded Mark Lexie slowly took the baby out of Arizona's arms, she looked so much like Lexie.
' its maybe not the best question to pop but' ' you can just ask' nodded Lexie, ' how were your injuries after the crash' Lexie's face got a little pale, ' i guess this could be the right time to tell.., Mark, Meredith and Derek do not no this either, im gonna tell meredith and derek, but it wont go any further' ' what' asked Mark nervous. ' i-i- lost my left leg' stuttered Lexie, Mark got a little bit pale, Callie inmediatly looked at Arizona and Arizona grabbed Lexie's hand ' i did to' ' h-h-how did the rest of you end after the crash' ' meredith came out nun critical, Cristina was in shock for several weeks, she didn't talk nor move, Derek had a lot of nerve surgeries to his hand to repare his hand, he is able to operate again now, Well you know about Arizona, and you know about yourself, and i had a lot of internal bleedings but i survived okay' Callie wanted to disagree on him surviving okay but thought twice and shut her mouth. Lexie still had the baby in her hands asleep, ' You wanna stay over for dinner?' asked Arizona who was cooking now, Mark looked at Lexie and Lexie looked at Mark ' yeah sure' responded the both of them at the same time, ' ill text Meredith'
they ate their food with wine and soft chuckeles, ' No offense, but how are you two gonna patch things up?' asked Callie in a weird tone.
' i wouldn't mind trying, i still love you badly, we have a kid, and we were engaged, ' said Mark out of the blue, ' I feel the same way Mark' responded Lexie, Mark grabbed Lexie's chin slowly and kissed her soft lips slowly ' Bang, i still feel butterflies' whispered Mark in her ear, ' same here' chuckeled Lexie back,
Arizona and Callie were awkwardly turned around acting like they werent there, letting Mark and Lexie get ' privat time'
' as long as they arent going to do it on our couch or floor' chuckeled Callie soft in Arizona's ear. Arizona smiled bright and let a chuckle slip,
they finished their meals and Mark and Lexie said goodbye to Callie and Arizona,
' Mark?' ' Yeah' he nodded, ' wouldnt it be weird for our daughter to grow up with the same name as her mother' Mark looked slightly surprised ' we'll have to tell her one day, but we could use her second name, or short if of difrently' ' like what?' ' Well it fully is Alexandra Calliope Meredith Grey Sloan, but you could call her Calliope or Alexis, Alex, xandra i dont know but shell have to find that out to' Meredith drove in front of Lexie and stopped, ' you coming ?'

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