all i can do is keep breathing.

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' SHE IS BLEEDING NEAR HER HEART, BOOK AN OR RIGHT AWAY WE HAVE TO GET THERE ASAP' ' Dokter Grey you cant come in page sloan and explain, we'll keep you posted, the leading doctors pushed the bed with an unconsious Lexie in it. ' OUT OF THE WAY' they shouted stressed.

' What the hell happened Meredith?' asked Mark. ' i..i..i dont know, we hugged for a while but then here grip went soft and she bled throw her heart' Meredith said.

6 hours later...

a scrub nurse walked out of the OR corriodor straight up to Mark, Meredith, and who later joined them; Derek, Alex & Cristina.

Cristina is really good at seeing details, but today she wished, she couldnt, she wish she couldn't see the tiny tears in the corners of the eyes of the srub nurse. she opened her mouth and started : ' Lexie had a massive bleed in her kidney, when we finally controlled the bleed, she started throwing blood clods, her heart stopped on the table, we shocked 5 times and massaged her heart for more than an hour, but.. her heart stayed still' Mark stared at the same point as when the nurse started talking, he stared not moving, Meredith slowly sat down, while tears ran down her face, Derek walked up to Meredith. Cristina just stood there unable to form words for what they just heard, and then there was Alex, he softly mumbeled in him self, and started crying.

just the April Kepner walked at them, and with her cheery voice said ; ' just want to tell you all that i..i.' she stopped her snetence when she saw al the broken faces and said : 'no..' April started crying and said ; ' do you want me to page Miranda, Callie & Arizona?' she said a bit flushed. Mark nodded.

they all went to sit in the conference room. it was terribly quite excapt for some sniffing noses, Owen Hunt & Richard Webber were standing in front of them, Meredith had lines of Mascara dripping down her face, Owen & Richard just knew about Lexie's death but tried to stay calm, Miranda,Callie & Arizona didn't know yet but the three women already knew without knewing. Owen Raised his voice a little ; ' im sorry to announce, that Lexie Grey, passed away. ' She survived a freaking crushing plane crash but some bleed' said Miranda while whiping away a tear. Richard walked up Miranda and said : ' Could you call the base where O'Malley is right now, and ask him to come ASAP, Miranda nodded and stood up, my condolances, she said.


Hello, i' m Miranda Bailey MD. she stuttered

Hello who do you want to speak to

i..i.. need George O'Malley.

thats fine, he's on break right now il get him.

Hello..? said his familiar warm voice.


yes thats me! who is this

its M..miranda B..B..ailey

Dr Bailey? oh my god hay!

ill just say.. its not an happy call

what happend, said an now frightend voice

i cant tell you this over the phone, i need you here.

oh dear... im on leave for a month tommorow ill be there at 8 'O clock

great! thanks George

no problem Miranda.

One day later, 8'O clock

Bailey had some kind of suprise murmered Meredith. when they walked in the confrence room, Mark was already sitting there with a concerned Derek staring at him, but he wasn't the only one, Izzie 'isobel' was sitting there to. ' What the heck are you doing here' said Alex. ' dont you remember the fght you had with Lexie right before she died, she hates you' Derek shussed Alex and walked over to Meredith, ; ' how your holding up?' ' im okay' sighed Meredith. ' yeah huh, cause Meredith Grey is always 'okay' hissed Derek. Meredith got a big red flush on her face, slowly walked Arizona in with Callie and April behind her, Jackson & owen will be here ASAP. a knock on the door made them look all at the same thing: the door

Miranda walked in and said : ' Jackson, April, your both amazing but i think you'll be odd one outs in this situation' the both nodded and stood up, ' weird ' mumbeled jackson

Miranda said with a sad kind of smile : ' come in' the door opened, and there he was, George O'Malley. Meredith shut up inmediatly and hugged him tied, 'i missed you so much George' she started crying. George face got pale, talk me in what happened after i left. Owen started and said : ' well a year after you left, did dr.webber,dr.grey,dr shephard treat a patient, who signed a DNR, her husband, couldn't bare the pain, so came to the hospital a week or 2/3 later with a gun, Derek got shot, an Resident of Mercy West Got shot in the head and a lot of doctors and nurses, hospital stabilised again, everyone who devoloped PTSD learnt to deal with it, but then, they needed doctors from out department, our hospital to do a surgery out of state, they had to go by plane, Arizona, Meredith,Cristina,Derek,Mark & Lexie, Arizona lost her leg, Meredith couldn't walk for a long time, Cristina was in shock and suffered sever PTSD, Derek almost lost all use in his hand, but he's okay now, Mark suffered of a lot of internal bleeding and Lexie, was under a part of the p..plane. she and her daughter survived, Lexie was hanging on a tread when she came in, she had bin in a coma for one and a half month but came out of it, but yesterday, she shot blood clods and sever bleedings, unstoppable bleedings, her heart stoppped on the table, and never started again'

George had tears running down his face, he looked at them all and said ' Daughter?' mark opened his mouth for the first time and said, ' yes daughter, A couple of weeks before we went on the plane we found out she was pregnant, i proposed, we wouldve gotten married' George got even paler, when he looked at Meredith, sitting there, so fragile, tears running down her face. ' Lexie' mumbled Meredith.

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