pour the champagne

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This chapter is M rated (mature) read at your own risk 😏

' Shit Derek, where did i leave my keys' laughed Meredith while scooping throw her bag ' Uh.. Mer, they are in your hand' ' Ah silly me' smiled Meredith awkward, Derek looked nervous at Meredith who started the car.

Meredith and Derek walked in the hospital ' Lets go check on April's baby' ' I have to meet a important patient' Meredith nodded as an sign that is was okay and wandered of to April.

' Cristina' ' Cristina' hissed Derek twice. ' Yes?' asked Cristina clearly annoyed. ' Follow me please' Cristina followed him in to an on call room ' Im worried about Meredith' ' Why whats wrong.. is the cancer back?' Derek nodded no, he tried to hide his tears but let them slip ' Im afraid her alzheimers is progressing' said Derek inbetween sobs, Cristina felt like a bomb attacked her life ' She couldnt lose her person' Cristina pushed back tears now to, while awkwardly patting her back. A pager noise filled the room, Derek grabbed his pager, ' Fuck 9-1-1' amd he ran out leaving Cristina alone in her thoughts.

Cristina lay her head in her hands and breathed in and out carefully, the door barged open and Callie and Arizoma were jndressing each other. Cristina cought soft ' i-il leave' she said awkwardly. ' Ill check on her later' breathed Callie loud.

Both women threw of their scrub caps, leaving their in their underwear, Callie dived on Arizona and undid her of her clothes, Arizona did the same with Callie. They were both naked kissing each other, Callie slowly moved her fingers down Arizona's belly, and played with her clit, ' Ah ah Callie please' groaned Arizona of pleasure ' You want this?' she asked while slitting one finger in Arizona's wetness ' Yes-Yes' moaned Arizona out. Callie moved up and down up and down, she slit a second finger in feeling Arizona tighten ' I got to cum Callie' breathed Arizona out loud, Callie moved hard up and down twice and felt Arizona come over her hands. 't-that was amazing' breathed Arizona out. Callie's pager went off ' 9-1-1 in the pit, gotta go sorry' Callie threw her scrubs on and left. Arizona put her clothes on to, and walked out.

' The baby is perfect' smiled lexie while playfully tickeling little Alex his tummy. ' He has Jackson his eyes' smile Lexie who looked up straight into his eyes. ' And your sweet face' nodded Lexie while looking at April. ' Thanks' responde April smiling. Lexie walked up to Mark and kissed him on the nose ' Lets get our ultra sound' she wispered. they left the room and walked up to Addison ' Were ready ' smiled Lexie.

' H-how could i have missed this in the last ultasound' muttered Addison. ' What? what is it?' asked Mark worried. ' You arent pregnant of one baby, your pregnant of twins' Addison unsure of their reaction. Mark slapped his hand for his mouth of happiness and Lexie smiled ' What sex?' ' A girl and a-a- Boy' smiled Addison looking in Mark's eyes ' Congratulations, Alexis is getting a brother and sister'
' Life is good' squeezed Mark in Lexie's hand

' life is good'

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