Chapter 9

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Previously on Chapter 8

The door opens as the doctor walks out. "H-how is she?" I asks. "She just fell unconscious out of exhaustion... Right now she's asleep. I've inject her to help her with the pain... So she should be okay now..." He said. I let out a breath, I didn't know I was holding. "C-can I see her now?" I said. He nods his head "yes... Of course... But don't be too loud... One visitor at the time please... The patient needs to rest" he said.

-Slowly Recovering-



I'm in a room... There's a little girl. She's about 5 years old. When she looks up, I realise that it is actually me. Then that means... this must be my old house

"Y/N, dear... Come here..." I heard someone said. The little me stands up and run past me. I follow her down the stairs, to a living room. I saw little me hugging a woman. 'Mom...' I say to myself.

Then the dream changes. It's me when I wake up in the forest. I see little me crying, with all the Pokemon watching. Then there's a light. I see Mew materialise from the light.

I see how the little me is trying to pet Mew, but she flew back. Then the little me starts to cry. Mew starts flying towards the little me as she leans down and nudge her nose with little me. She starts glowing when she realise little me can't understand what she said. That's when I start to understand Pokemon.

The dream changes once again. It's me in my current age, in the lake as I play my guitar. I seem to be into the music, that I didn't realise the group of people walking towards me.

I see me jumping in shock when they starts clapping once I'm done playing. Then they starts talking... and the boy with black hair introduce himself as Ash Ketchum

End of dream

My eyes flutter open. I realise I'm still in the hospital. I look around me. 'What was that?' I thought to myself. Is that a dream... Or is it a memory. Ash didn't seem like a bad person I remember he is.

I move to sit up and lean my back against the headboard. I turn my head to look out of the window.

I heard the door opens and close. I turn my head to look at the person. It's Ash. He take cautious steps towards me, as if he's afraid to scare me.

Ash P.O.V

I enter the room to see that Y/N is awake and she's sitting up against the headboard of the hospital bed. I take slow steps towards her. I don't want to alert her.

What she did next shocks me. She smiles at me. The smile I rarely see on her after I found her.

She moves to get up and spread her arms. I just stare at her in shock, not knowing what to do or say. "Y-Y/N..." I stutter out. "Are you just going to leave me hanging?" She said, raising her eye-brow. I shake my head and run toward her. I wrap my arms around her waist as I hug her tightly. She wraps her arms around my neck. I close my eyes, savouring her warmth. The warmth that I've been craving for.

"I'm sorry..." She whispers after a moment of silent. I pull away slightly, my arms still wrap securely around her waist.

"What?" I question. "For not believing you... They tortured me... Giving me a false memory about you... Making me believe that all of you have abandoned me..." She said. "Y/N..." I say in a soft tone. She smiles "but thanks to you... because you never once give up on me... I start to remember now... Thank you, Ash..." She said in a soft tone.

She place a hand on my cheek, wiping away the tear. That's when I realise I've started crying. I shake my head and wipe the remaining tears. I look at her and smile. I cup her cheeks. "I'm so happy that you've finally remember..." I said. I pull her into another hug. I let out a content sigh. 'I finally got my Friend back...' I thought to myself.


The door opens to reveal the rest of the gang. I pull away from Ash. They stare at me in shock. "Hey guys..." I said, smiling at them. "Y-you..." I heard Clemont said. I nod my head at him in respond. "Yes... Clemont... I remember now..." I said.

Bonnie broke into tears as she runs towards me, wrapping her arms around my torso. I lean down and hug her back. "I'm glad... I'm so glad that you remember us... I thought we are going to lose you forever..." She cried. "Shh... Thanks to all of you... For not giving up on me, I finally remember... Not completely... But I'm sure that overtime, I will remember" I said.

Ash's Pikachu jumps to me, after I pull away from Bonnie. "I'm so happy you remembered!" He said. "I'm happy too, buddy..." I said. Soon the rest of the Pokemon jumps on me. I lose my balance and fell off.

"Y/N! Are you okay? Please don't tell me you lose your memory again... " I heard Ash said, panic is evident in his tone. I giggle "I'm okay silly... I don't lose my memory... I just fell off, nothing serious..." I said. He blush and rub his neck nervously. "Sorry... I'm just worried..." He said. "Thank you for worrying..." I said, smiling at him. He returns the smile, his cheeks is still a little pink.

I heard a knock on the door. "Come in..." I said. The door opens to reveal the doctor that has been taking care of me. He smiles once he sees that I'm okay being near Ash. "Ah... I see you're getting better... That's good..." He said. He said that he needs to run a few test on me. I smile as the others leave the room.

The test turns out to be okay. I can leave the hospital tomorrow. I'm so happy! I can finally leave this hospital. Then maybe I could start my journey again... To search for my parents and ask them the reason they left me in that hill all by myself.

The others enters the room. Ash pulls me into a hug. I hug him back. "I'm so happy that you are able to leave this hospital tomorrow. It is so good to have you back, Y/N..." He said. I smile happily...

It's good to be back

*to be continued*

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