Chapter 21

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Previously on Chapter 20

"A-Ash... Help m-me..." Y/N said. Then her eyes roll back and she falls limp. James walks forward and pick her up.


-Shocking Discovery-


I woke up in a white room. I try to sit up, but something is holding me down. I look down to see that I'm being tied up on the cold metal table.

I just lay my head down as I look up at the white ceiling. I let out a sigh 'well... here I go again... getting kidnapped all over again...' I thought annoyed.

The door to this room opens to reveal Jessie. I turn my head and look at her. "What do you want?" I spat. I expect her to smirk and make a remark at me. But she did the exact opposite. She give me a soft smile.

Then she walks over to me. "Stay back! Don't come any closer!" I scream. She raise her hand "shh.. its okay... I'm not here to hurt you..." she said. I just keep a hard glare on my face. I should be very cautious. Who knows what she's actually planning to do. For all I know, she could be planning to do something bad to me.

Now she's standing next to my seat. She release me from the rope that's tying me down. Then she helps me to sit up.

She grabs a bottle of water from the bag she's wearing. She uncap it and offers it to me. "Here... you must be thirsty..." she said. I look away from her. "I don't need your help..." I said. She lets out a sigh "come on... don't be stubborn, Y/N. You need to drink something or you'll get dehydrated..." she said. The tone on her voice lets me know that she's genuinely worry about me.

I turn my head and grab the bottle of water from her hand. "Thanks..." I mumble. Then I chug it down hungrily, as if I haven't been drinking for ages.

In less than 5 minutes, the water is gone. I set the bottle down and turn my head to look at Jessie. "Why are you helping me?" I asks. She lifts a hand and place it on my head.

"Because... you're like a sister to me..." she said. "How so? You don't know me" I said.

Jessie P.O.V

But I do... I do Y/N... you really are my sister. I used to be like you... boss took me away from our parents just after a few months you were born.

We were so close when you were still a baby. I remember the day they came and took me away.

How much you cry because you don't want me to leave you. But they dragged me away.

I remember how they threatened me to hurt you, if I don't follow their order. I reluctantly do as they asks, because I don't want you to get hurt.

But you did anyway...


I'm walking towards Y/N's cell with a tray of food. It's time for dinner and she haven't eaten yet. I'm the only one who would come to her cell to bring her anything.

As I walk there, I heard someone calls out my name. I stop and turn around to see my Boss.

He stops in front of me. "Jessie... I see you are bringing her some meal..." he said. "Yes, boss... she haven't eaten any meal yet... she'll get sick if I let her be.." I said.

He just hums at me. Then his face turn serious. This makes me feel nervous at how intense he's looking at me right now.

"I'm okay... if you wanna show how much you care for her..." I relax at what he said. But he's not done talking yet. "You shall never let her know that you are her sister..." he said. "Wha-why?" I said. "You are in no place to ask..." he said, placing his hands behind his back.

I bow "forgive me, boss..." I said. He nods his head and walks away. I let out a sigh and continue making my way to her cell.


The door to my cell opens and close. I just lay on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"Y/N..." I heard the person said. I roll my eyes "what do you want Jessie?" I said, not looking at her. "I brought you your dinner..." she said. "You can take it away... I'm not hungry..." I said. But then, my stomach grumbles. She let out a sigh "you're such a bad liar, Y/N... come on and eat..." she said, chuckling slightly as she place the tray of food on the table.

I just turn around so my back is facing her. I heard her letting out a sigh. Then the bed dip slightly as she takes a seat.

I feel a hand on my head as she starts to caress my hair softly. I tense slightly, but relax after that. For some reason... I feel as if I've felt it before. Like I have known her before.

I shake my head and sit up. I push her away, not realizing I've used my air bending. Which in result, threw her to the wall.

I instantly gets up and run towards her. I kneel down next to her. I help her to sit up. "Oh my God!! I am SO sorry... I didn't mean to..." I said in panic. But all she did is laugh and caress my cheek.

I stare at her in confusion. "Why are you being so nice to me? I thought we are suppose to be enemy..." I said. She just smiles sadly at me. She seems to be hiding something. It's like... she wants to tell me something. I can clearly see the desperation in her eyes.

I turn my head towards the camera that  are currently pointing at me, letting me know that someone is watching this.

I feel my eyes turns red as I disable the camera. It shuts down and I turn to look at Jessie, who is staring at me with her wide eyed. I smile softly in return "I've turn the camera off... You can tell me now... I know you wanna tell me something... I can see it in your eyes..." I said.

She starts to tear up and pulls me into a tight hug. I froze at the sudden move. I just stare at the wall behind her. Again, I feel the familiarity... as if I've known her before.

I can feel her shaking as she hugs me tightly. "Oh my Sister... my dearest little sister..." she said, crying. Her tears are soaking my shirt. I froze... hearing what she said.


*to be continued*

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