Chapter 11

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Previously on Chapter 10

"Sheeesshhh..." I said as I turn around and walk away. "Hey!!! Wait for us! I'm just joking!!" she said, running after me. A smile makes its way to my face. I'm so happy that I get to meet these people... Who cares so much for me. They are the best friends I could ever asks for.



We arrived at Pallet town. I turn to the others. "So... What are we gonna do now?" I question them. They look at each other "I don't know... But first, we need to look for a hotel to stay... It's night time now" Clemont said. "Oh right... Yeah.... We should get some rest before going to explore this town the next day..." Serena join in.

I nod my head in agreement, feeling tired from all the walking. "Looking for a hotel it is then... Let's go" I said. Then we start walking, trying to look for a hotel for our stay.

It took us almost 4 hours to finally find a hotel. We book in the hotel. We only got 3 rooms. This means, we have to share.

Now we are gathering in the waiting room area as we try to figure out the room arrangement. I don't mind sharing with anyone. So I just let them decides.

"Well... Obviously Bonnie and I going to share a room... So the rest of you should figure out who with who..." Clemont said, looking at each of us.

"I'll share a room with Serena..." Dawn said. Serena looks at her, in which Dawn sent her a wink. Serena got the picture and smirks, as she looks at me. If Clemont shares room Bonnie and Serena with Dawn. Then that leaves me with.... I turn my eyes to look at the only other person without a pair.... Ash.

My heart starts to beat faster, it took all of my might not to blush. Ash walks over to me, there is a blush on his cheeks. He rubs his neck as he looks everywhere but me. "Well... It looks like we are going to be roommates..." He said. I nod my head "yeah... Looks like so" I said, smiling at him. Now that everything is settled, we head towards our room.

When I enter the room, my eyes widened. "Um, Ash..." I said, as soon as he walks in. "Hmm?" He said, when he enters the room. I gesture to the room with my hand "there's only one bed.." I said. I can see his eyes visibly widened.

He clears his throat. "Um... Well, that won't be a problem... I'll just get the couch..." He said. I shake my head "the couch isn't comfortable... I don't mind sharing the bed with you" I said, as I look everywhere but him. I don't want him to see my red cheeks.

Ash nods his head "Hmm... Okay... If you say so..." He said. "I'll be using the bathroom... I need to take a shower..." I said. "Okay..." He said. I grab what I need, then I head towards the bathroom.

I set set the water on my preference. Then I begin to strip. I enter the cubicle and start washing up my body. I let the warm water relaxes my body.

After the shower. I walk out of the bathroom and enter the bedroom that I'll be sharing with Ash. Hopefully... It won't get awkward. I mean, sharing a room with a guy? I've never done that my whole life.

Ash is already asleep. I smile softly at him. He didn't wear a blanket and its starting to get cold. He's going to get sick if I let him sleep like that.

I lay down next to him. Then I drape a blanket on his sleeping form. I pull the blanket over my own body and lay down to my side. I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.


I'm in my younger self. About 5 years old. I just look around the room I'm in to see a bedroom... my old bedroom.

Then the door opens harshly to reveal a guy and a woman. They grab me by my collar. "You imbecile little foolish girl! How can you be so useless!!" The woman yelled at me. I just start shaking as I look at her.

"I refuse to have you as a Daughter!" The guy said. Then he harshly grabs my hand. Then he starts dragging me out of the house. Then we walk towards the hill. He throws me to the ground. "From now on... This will be your home! Don't you ever come back! You useless little brat!" The woman said. Then they leave me.

End of dream

Ash P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of whimpering. I open my eyes and turn my head to see Y/N. She's still asleep, but theirs a trail of tears in her cheeks. She keeps mumbling in her sleeps.

I scoot closer to her. "Hey... Wake up... Y/N" I said, trying to shake her awake. But she didn't wake up.

She starts to cry more and start screaming. I start panicking, Nor knowing what to do. I pull her closer. I raise my hand "forgive me, Y/N..." I said. Then I slap her. She jolts awake and look around.

I pull her into a hug. I bury my face in her soft hair. "I'm sorry... I can't think of other way to wake you up... It didn't hurt... Does it?" I said. She clutch my shirt as she start to cry more. I stay silent as I let her cry.

She starts to calm down and pull away from me. I place my hand on her cheek. "I'm sorry..." I said. She shakes her head and smiles softly at me. "No... It's okay... Thank you for waking me up..." She said. I nod my head in respond. "Do you wanna talk about it? The dream you were having... You're crying so much in your sleep, Y/N..."  I said. She shakes her head "no... I'm scared..." She said, as she starts to tear up. I just pull her into another hug.

"Shh... Don't cry... It's okay... Everything is going to be okay... I'm right here... Whatever your dream was earlier. Just remember that I will ALWAYS protect you... okay? You don't have to worry about anything..." I said. I feel her nod "okay... Thank you, Ash..." She said. Then I hear a soft snore. I pull away to see her sound asleep. I smile and kiss her forehead. I just stare at her sleeping form. Now I know what I'm feeling for her.

I'm in love with Y/N...

*to be continued*

A/N: hi hi!! Thank you so much for your patience and being so supportive. I'm so happy to have an amazing readers like you all!

By the way... Where are my fans from? If you're close by... I might arrange a meet up. That's it for now... See you guys in the upcoming chapters. Oh yes... There are more coming. Till' then... Bye bye!! I hope you guys will have a wonderful day.

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