Chapter 1: Yuta Ito

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A teenager walked among a sea of students heading towards the main entrance of Sakura High School. While most people immediately hurried out of the main gates to enjoy their three day weekend, the teenager hung around near the entrance to access his locker and wait for his friends.

The teenager opened his locker and placed his book bag on the floor then gazed into the mirror on the inside of the locker door, fixing his somewhat long, black hair back by pushing the bangs out of his face.

When he was happy with his hair he straightened back up and reached into his bag, removing some of his books and placing them in the lower section, then reached up and grabbed a deck box then attached it to his black dress pants.

The teenager known as Yuta closed his locker door and began to walk towards the main entrance to take a seat at the steps. Before he sat down he flipped open the flap to his deck box and pulled out his deck, then sat down and started analyzing it.

Yuta flipped through each card, studying the synergy behind every card and how effective it might be. “I might want to replace these cards when I get to Arsenal Card Shop.” Yuta thought to himself, holding up five cards in his left hand.

“What are you doing Yuta?” A voice said from behind him.

“I’m just looking through my deck.” Yuta told the person, slipping the deck back into his deck pouch and standing up, brushing off his pants.

“Are you ready to head out then?” A female voice said, coming from the same direction.

“Yeah, let’s go.” Yuta turned around and smiled when he saw his friends.

The first person was Shiki Suzuki, a long time friend of Yuta. Shiki had light brown hair, brushed back and straightened with a straightener. He had brown eyes, like Yuta, with thin rimmed glasses. He stood at five foot nine inches, two inches taller than Yuta, and wore the grey school uniform with black dress pants, like Yuta.

The second person was Lucina Yuki. She was a year younger than Yuta and Shiki, both in age and high school, and had light blonde hair with the tips dyed pink and styled in twintails. She had blue eyes, slightly tan skin, wearing the pink school uniform with black stockings, and stood at five foot six inches.

“Alright, let’s go.” Shiki said, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

“What about Ama? Aren’t we going to wait for her?” Yuta asked, following Shiki and Lucina.

“Don’t worry, Ama already went ahead to the card shop.” Lucina explained, a bounce in her steps. Yuta sighed and continued to follow the two all the while tilting his head to the sky.


When Yuta and the others arrived at the card shop known as Arsenal Card Shop they headed towards the back of the card shop. The card shop was split into three sections you could say. The first section was near the entrance where there was a glass case to your left with a display for Yugioh, Cardfight Vanguard, Magic the Gathering, etc. Behind the glass case was a wall of sleeves, deck boxes and pouches, card sets, trial decks and structure decks, and so on.

The second section was the main area, to the right was four rows of two tables with different types of playmats attached to it. To the left was another row of displays, a monitor showing the schedule for the rest of the week, and three cash registers and scanners for the workers to use.

In the last section it was a wide area meant for larger tournaments, three rows with six tables in each row. A monitor was also in the center meant for timing matches and showing matchups. In one corner was a place where you can buy drinks and snacks, and in the opposite corner was the bathrooms.

“Over here.” Yuta turned to the direction of the voice and saw his third and final friend, Amaterasu Sato. Amaterasu, nicknamed Ama, stood at five foot eight inches with black hair that ran down her back and slightly spiked back up, with the tips dyed red, kinda like Lucina’s pink tips. She wore the black female school uniform with the same style of stockings as Lucina and a black choker.

“Hey Ama, hope we didn’t keep you waiting.” Yuta said to Ama, taking a seat across from her.

“You worry to much Yuta, just relax for once.” Ama told Yuta, smiling as Yuta’s cheeks grew hotter from embarrassment.

“Right, sorry about that.” Yuta apologized as he pulled his deck out of his duel pouch.

“It’s fine. You want to take the first battle you two?” Ama pointed a pocky to Shiki and Yuta.

“If that’s alright with you three, I wouldn’t mind.” Shiki said as he started to shuffle his blue sleeved deck.

“It’s fine. It’s always fun to watch you two trying to outsmart each other.” Lucina said, sneaking a pocky out of Ama’s box.

“Alright, so you ready Shiki?” Yuta asked, setting his grey sleeved deck in the middle and cut Shiki’s deck.

“Certainly.” Shiki cut Yuta’s deck and reached into his bag for dice as Yuta took out a piece of paper and pencil.


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