Party Tour

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The following weeks after Edwin's panic attack were awkward and tense. He barely spoke to Zion despite seeing him every day. The other band members felt like they were constantly walking on eggshells when they were all together. Something had to change because they were going on tour, and time was running out.

"Are we all pumped for tour?" Brandon said cheerfully. He hated the tension between them all and tried to break the ice.
"I definitely am. I miss seeing the fans!" Austin added.
"I think you guys are forgetting the best part of tour." Zion said, expecting them all to understand what he was talking about.
"What?" Brandon asked, tilting his head.
"Guys...THE PARTY TOUR??" Zion answered, looking completely baffled his friends didn't immediately get what he meant.
"Oh yeahhhhh." Everyone said in unison. The party tour was something Zion made up on their last tour. At every city they stopped at they found a party to go to. It was exciting for the boys to meet new people across the country and it helped them relax while on tour. Edwin just remembered about the party tour. Now there was no way to refuse going out, unless he just stayed on the tour bus every night. Then, he got another bold idea.

  "Hey B. How are things with Jess?" Nick asked.
"So great. She's really cool. I'm going to miss her a lot while we're on tour." Brandon replied, resting his face on his hand.
"You should tell her you're going to be partying non-stop for a couple months bro. She might be jealous!" Zion was still focused on partying.
"I guess I will. She's not really like that though."
"Once again, this is why I stay single boys." Zion bragged. He put his hands behind his head and kicked back his feet.
"Are you ever going to want a girlfriend?" Austin chimed in.
"I'm young! I'm in my prime. I don't need anyone weighing me down at this time of my life." Zion started.
"Weigh you down? A girlfriend should never weigh you down. They complete you. They make you feel better when you're sad. They give you comfort. I could never imagine looking at relationships like that." Edwin blurted out. Nobody replied for a couple seconds. He couldn't tell if they were shocked because of what he said or just because he spoke at all.
"What Edwin said!" Nick finally said.
"I guess it's just one of those agree to disagree things." Zion huffed.
"I guess." Edwin seemed embarrassed. He started to think maybe he shouldn't of said anything.

  "I haven't finished packing." Nick said to Edwin. "Do you want to help me?"
"Sure." he replied. He was just happy to get out of this situation.
"Alright guys! See you tomorrow! Last sleep before tour! Enjoy your beds!" Nick called out to the rest of the boys.
"Night guys!" Austin called back to them. They walked to their bedroom and Edwin sat down on his bed. Nick went to his closet and started pulling out random items of clothing.
"I liked what you said about relationships." Nick said, still throwing things onto the floor.
"Oh. Thank you." The corner of Edwin's lip turned up, forming a little smile.
"I can't believe you don't have a girlfriend. You're basically a girl's dream!" Nick flattered him, he was very serious though.
"Ah stop." Edwin's face went red.
"I mean it! Are you just not looking? I can set you up with someone! What about-" Nick pulled out his phone until Edwin interrupted him,
"I'm not looking right now. We're just going to be super busy on tour. Maybe after." he impressed himself with how fast he came up with that lie. Lying almost became easier and easier everyday.
"You're right, you're right. Hey maybe you'll meet someone at one of these parties."
"I don't think so. Nick how many pairs of shoes do you think you're going to need?" Edwin changed the subject, pointing out that Nick was trying to stuff more than 10 pairs of sneakers into his already cramped suitcase.
"I can't leave any of these beauties behind!" They both started laughing.
"Alright well I'm going to bed. Goodnight Nick."
"Goodnight Ed!"

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