Morning Kisses

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  Edwin woke up laying next to Theo in his bed. Since he woke up first, he took a moment to admire Theo, resting peacefully. His messy, blonde locks spread across his forehead. He noticed him taking in little breaths, his back raising ever so slightly. The morning sun beamed in from Theo's gorgeous, huge window near his bed. The glow from the sun shined on both of their faces, lighting this beautiful moment. Edwin began gently scratching Theo's back. Everything felt so calm and tranquil. Then, he relaxed his arm around Theo's waist and moved closer to him, his bare leg brushing up against Edwin's. Theo slowly opened his eyes and rubbed them with the back of his hand.
"Good morning beauty." Edwin softly spoke to him. Theo turned his head to admire his boyfriend's messy bedhead.
"Good morning baby." He smiled and ran his hand through Edwin's curls. "We had some fun last night."
"Yes. Yes we did." Edwin pushed back Theo's hair and kissed him on the forehead. Theo rolled out of bed and stretched. Edwin gazed up to admire his pretty boyfriend, just standing there in his underwear.
"Where's your sweatshirt?" Theo asked, looking through a pile of clothes on the floor.
"It's on the couch. Don't you remember?" Edwin smirked.
"Oh yeah! How could I forget?" Theo practically skipped out of his room, returning with Edwin's crewneck on.
"My heart." Edwin cupped his face.
"Will you let me keep it?" Theo pleaded, giving him puppy dog eyes.
"Of course."
"It smells like you."
"You can put it on when you miss me."
"I miss you and you haven't even left yet." Theo hopped back onto the bed, grabbing Edwin's face and giving him a gentle kiss.
"Me too. Let's just live in the moment." Edwin grabbed his phone from the bedside table.
Message from Nick
Zion's asking a lot of questions. I promise I'm doing my best to keep you safe. He's just being annoying. Hope you're having fun.
Missed call from Zion (2)
Message from Austin
When do you want me to pick you up?
He ignored everything and went to the music app. He put on his Spanish playlist and got up from Theo's bed.
"Dance with me babe." He held out his hand to Theo, who looked nervous.
"I'm not a very good dancer, Edwin."
"I'll lead. Just follow me." He held hands with Theo and kept one arm around his waist. "See you're doing fine! ¡Excellente, mi novio!" Theo giggled at Edwin's spanish, but also found it incredibly sexy.
"Spin me papi!" Theo replied. Edwin spun Theo around and pulled him in close. A passionate kiss followed by laughing from them both.
"I wish every morning could be like this." Edwin sighed.
"Please don't leave so soon." Just then, Austin beeped his horn.
"I'm sorry Theo, I'll talk to you later." Edwin scrambled to get all of his stuff together, giving Theo a quick goodbye kiss.
"You have my heart Edwin Honoret."
"And you have mine Theo Delacroix. I mean it. Goodbye for now."

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