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Charlie POV

Who needs my help?

I stare at my new phone I just bought and I scroll through the phone numbers. Maybe something is wrong at school? I haven't been there and I won't be there anymore. I dial the school and soon enough an old lady picks up. 'You're talking to Doris, How may I help you?' She says and I sigh deeply. 'Hello, It is alpha Charlie. How is the school doing?' I say calmly. 'A-alpha Charlie.' She stutters and I ball my fists wanting her to hurry the fuck up. 'The school is fine ma'am.' She tells me eventually and I nod. 'Thank you. Have a nice day.' I say before hanging up.

Okay, who do we have more? Lily.... I haven't talked to her in months. Logical since these past months have been a crazy mess. 'Lily.' I mumble and I search her number with a small growl in my contacts.  Where the fuck is her number... 'You scrolled over it.' My wolf says dryly and I roll my eyes scrolling back before pushing the call button. 'What the fuck Charlie.' I hear Lily yell in the phone and I freeze on my place. 'Uhm... Hey Lily.' I say and I feel her anger coming through the phone.   'Where the fuck have you been. Mike and Daniel wouldn't tell me shit only that you went away for a while and James disappeared!' She growls and I sigh deeply. 'Lily calm down please.' I mumble and she growls loudly into the phone. 'Listen lily, James wasn't to be trusted. On our first date he kidnapped me and I am gonna kill daniel and Mike for not telling you. A lot has happened and I will explain it another time, but it is a very long story.' I say fastly before she can say anything. 'Fuck Charlie.' She says with a shaking voice. 'It isn't your fault. I just have to check on someone else. I will call you later.' I say and I fastly hang up.

If it isn't lily. Not the school. I don't know it anymore. Wait... The FBI! Oh god, I hope everything is okay there. Mark... I have to call mark. He was my instructor at the FBI and when I went home I promised him that I would visit him and his family. Fuck I haven't been there for a long time. I fastly push the call button to Mark his number and the phone slowly goes over. My hands shake and sweat begins forming on my forehead. How could I be so damn stupid? 'This number isn't being used.' A computer voice says and I almost drop my phone. I growl lowly and I push in the number from the head base of the FBI and I call them fastly. 'Hello With Theo.' A voice says askingly and I sigh deeply. 'Hello with Charlie STone.' I say and the man takes a sharp breath and I roll my eyes. 'Hello, Theo. Good to see you're still at the FBI. Sadly I am here for more important things.' 

My voice sounds dangerously low ready to attack. 'Tell me.' Theo says fastly. 'You know my trainer Mark. Did you have contact with him?' I say and Theo sighs. 'No it is like they disappeared from the radar since a month. I even couldn't contact his wife.' He says and I growl again. 'Listen very closely Theo. They are in trouble but I will save them. I need you to have a hiding place for them with enough food for a very long time.' I say and I hear Theo take notes. 'I will send the location to you later this day.' He says and I nod before ending the call. I stand up and my fist makes a hole through the wall in no time. 'Fuck!' I yell loudly and I see James before me holding my hand leading me through the woods to a beautiful lake. 'I already see us sitting here.' He says in my ear and I shake my head. 'No.' I mumble shaking and the image disappears and I see that my hand is bleeding.

'Charlie! Are you alright?' Daniel asks and he stares at my bleeding hand. 'We have a problem. Mark, Elena, and Sophie are taken by the vampires. I know it for sure.' I mumble and daniel nods. 'Mike is awake and with Levi. Should I take you there?' He says and I nod before we fastly walk to the hospital wing of the pack house. 'What is She Doing here.' Mike says growling and Levi takes his hand weakly. 'We have bigger problems than your hate to me.' I tell him without emotion and Mike stares at me with shock in his eyes. 'My trainer and his family are kidnapped by the vampires.' I say sighing and Levi stares weirdly at me. 'How do you know that...' He mumbles weakly. 'The moon goddess told me that people I haven't talked to in a while were in trouble.' I mumble and the others nod. 'You have a connection with her?' Levi says shocked. 'Yes, she is the special bitch that got everything.'  Mike snaps and I growl lowly feeling my body shake with anger. 'Back off Pup. I won't hesitate to hurt you just because you are my fucking brother.' I say and they all take a step back except Levi who is still in the hospital bed.

'The fuck.'

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